I have you as my soul
I have you as my soul

A mother is a thought of purity and a nourishing being. The serenity and calmness everything belongs to her. A women becomes a mother when she conceives the thought of having a baby.
I was 18 yrs when I wanted to have a child, I wanted a baby girl, But I wasn't married and couldn't get married at that point. So I had to wait another 10 yrs complete my studies, get married and have a child.
Soon I got my first job and settled. I married and after a year I conceived my first child. I was excited and my happiness knew no boundaries after all 10 yrs of my dream was going to come true. I was carrying a child for nobody, but just for me. My child in my whom , it felt like greatest of the connections I was very very happy about it. And I was extremely grateful about it.
But during the 8 week of pregnancy the complications arose and my little baby could survive, she was gone for no reasons, I couldn't hold her couldn't grab her, couldn't
tell her the things I wanted to tell her, everything felt shattered, the days went by and months passed... I felt a deep emptiness inside a void started developing deep and deep into my bosom, I was disconnected from my thought process, I missed my baby.
I was no more a mother I thought, she died and now I am no more a mother.
I had lost a part of mine.
But God always has great plans he pays all of our misery, after a year I was again pregnant but this time with Twins, my happiness knew no boundaries I had a normal pregnancy, I was going to be a mother second time, This time it was healthy and normal pregnancy, I gave birth to my twins and they were born healthy...it was a boy and a girl when I held by daughter first time in my arms, I knew she was my soul. My son was another level of bliss, I felt things were changing. I remembered our first child, deep down my bosom I knew she had my heart...I was going to live everything all again.