Ayona Dutta



Ayona Dutta


How I Met Her

How I Met Her

4 mins

Tring… Tring…..my mobile phone rings.

It’s around 12 noon, a usual busy day in office and release end!! All this made me give a nasty look at my mobile which showed an unknown number. Scolding the credit card guys in my mind I picked up the phone and said ‘Hello’ in an awful tone.

“Hey, Hello!!” ‘You posted an ad that you want to sell a brand new HTC phone!!’

A sweet feminine voice suddenly diverted my mind and I recalled that two days back I posted an ad on the company intranet in this regard.

Oh yes, it’s with me now. You can meet me and check that out anytime. I replied.

‘Yeah sure’ let’s meet post-lunch in the cafeteria.

And we decided to finalize the deal after meeting post-lunch in the cafeteria.

Like every other guy, trying to make a good impression, I reached the cafeteria ten minutes before our scheduled meeting time and captured a good seat. I was waiting for her while staring at the white HTC phone box took me down the memory lane for a while.

I was happy ending my onsite tenure in London a couple of months ago and before returning back to India I decided to buy a few gifts for my girlfriend. After searching a lot, I finally settled down for a white-colored phone (since I heard about the fascination of girls about white phones a lot of times), a couple of expensive perfumes and chocolates.

But life acts strange sometimes. I also realized that when she called me a few weeks later and told me that her parents had fixed her marriage somewhere else and due to extreme family pressure, she had to accept their decision. Suddenly there was a drastic change in my life. It looked like everything was gone. But life has to move on and I also came back to India as my assignment ended.

In the overwhelming flood of emotions, first I decided to keep these gifts with me forever as her last memory. But finally, the devil's mind overcame the emotional mind and whispered inside me, ”You Fool… The girl is gone, don’t let the money go!!” That is how I came to the decision of selling this phone along with other things.

My nostalgia ended when I heard the same sweet voice again.

“Hey, Hello” we talked over the phone, right?

Oh yeah, ‘please have a seat. Will you have something?’ I tried to show little courtesy.

No thanks show me the phone.

I showed her the brand new sealed mobile phone box which brought a smile on her face.

Why did you buy it if you don’t have to use it?

An obvious question for which I was already prepared. I brought it for my brother but he is no more interested in it now, I replied.

I quoted the price Rs.11500 which was high as per her since it was not having any India warranty. I made one more offer to give her a white leather pouch free along with the phone (which I bought separately and was obviously a waste for me now) and the deal was done!! We exchanged our mobile numbers since she was new to the android world and might need some help.

We talked over phone and in-office a couple of times afterward to discuss some simple functionality and features of the handset which were not as simple to use according to her. I also started enjoying talking to her and spending time with her. One night, I was thinking about her and the time we spent while having tea in the cafeteria that day when suddenly it reminded me that it was her birthday after a few days. The idea of gifting something came to my mind. ‘Elizabeth Arden’!! Instantly the words came out of my mouth (it was the perfume which I had bought earlier). I didn’t have to do much effort since it was already gift-wrapped and on her birthday I simply presented her. She was extremely happy to see the gift as it was one of her favorite perfumes and expressed many thanks to me.

Not sure for what reason, but I didn’t feel good at that time and with the mixed bag of emotions inside me I sputtered everything in front of her, about the past, about the gifts and everything else. At first, she gave a strange reaction but in the end, was happy that I told her everything and like any other girl, asked hundreds of questions about each and everything.

Slowly, after that day, we started sharing each small and big thing in each other’s life and gradually became an eternal part of each other’s life.

Whatever God has planned or whatever happens in our lives is for a definite reason. We may or may not understand that at a particular point in time but definitely understand that at later stages in our lives.

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