Mollika Sherchan Kaur

Romance Tragedy Action


Mollika Sherchan Kaur

Romance Tragedy Action

He Loves Me- He Loves Me Not

He Loves Me- He Loves Me Not

3 mins

Melani sat on her bed, staring at the wall. The colorful posters that used to make her happy now felt like a reminder of a life she didn’t know anymore. She thought about Aditya, the man she loved deeply, but he was also the one making her heart hurt.

His love was like a drug, giving her highs and lows. Most days, he showed her affection. He was sweet and caring, like the perfect boyfriend. But his love also had a dark side. Aditya could be so possessive that it drained her.

One minute he would whisper nice things that made her smile. Then, out of nowhere, he would turn cold. Who were you talking to? he'd ask, anger creeping into his voice.

She felt guilty even when she didn’t do anything wrong. The constant checks on her phone and endless questions about her male friends were tiring. Aditya would accuse her of hiding messages, trapping her in worry.

When he got mad, it was scary. Those hands that once caressed her now felt angry and rough. He’d ask, “Did you delete stuff before we met?” like he could take away her truth with a few taps on his phone.

If she didn’t answer right away, he'd flood her with messages filled with threats and confusion. Each time he asked “Who is this guy?” her heart sank. He’d even reach out to her Instagram followers, questioning them with nasty messages.

One Thursday evening, everything changed. He barged in and grabbed her phone while she was scrolling through social media. “I want your email password too. What are you hiding?” The trust was gone, replaced by tension.

Melani, feeling helpless, gave him her passwords. He searched every part of her online life but found nothing. Still, he accused her. “You’re hiding something. You need to explain!” His words hurt, and she felt like she was falling apart.

Despite all of this, there were still good moments. They had shared dreams, and even a tough decision about an abortion that seemed to bring them closer. She thought

he was her forever. But then, she wondered, Can love really be this toxic?

The sweetest moments often felt like a setup for the next storm. He could switch from sweet to cruel in an instant. On his bad days, he would call her non-stop, sending threats like, “I’ll come over if you don’t answer!”

Every time her phone rang, fear gripped her. Aditya wasn't just a boyfriend; he was a whirlwind that tossed her emotions around. When he was nice, everything felt okay. But when that anger surfaced, she felt like she was struggling to breathe.

What could she do to make him happy? Was he fighting with his own issues? Was this a sign of something deeper? She spent many nights awake, wondering why love felt like such a struggle.

Aditya’s behavior was changing her. She wasn’t who she used to be. She loved him, but love shouldn’t feel like a chokehold. Could their love hide something much worse?

She sighed as she stared at herself in the window. “I can’t keep doing this,” she said softly to her reflection, which looked both full and empty at once.

Suddenly her phone buzzed. It was Aditya again. “Missed your call. What’s up? Are you with someone else?” Tell me you bitch I know you are cheating on me.

There it was, proof that she was losing a battle that started long ago.

After a heated argument filled with harsh words and blame, Melani found herself staring at her cracked mirror. She realized she had let someone destroy her happiness.

The girl looking back at her didn’t show the love she once thought was strong enough to endure anything. Tears blurred her sight, and she understood: “This isn’t love. This is control.”

Love doesn't hurt

Love doesn't break

Love doesn't control

Love doesn’t take

Love heals

Love accepts

Love satisfies

Love liberates

In all, love give your lungs the air you need to breathe

@ molli Sherchan Kaur

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