Ajola Ganesan

Action Fantasy Others


Ajola Ganesan

Action Fantasy Others

Harry Potter and his dark spell

Harry Potter and his dark spell

3 mins

Oh my God! Harry Potter rose from his bed under the staircase. He being in haste, his specs slipped off from his hand and his glasses broke. It was a special day and Harry had a very important work at that event as said by his Professor Dumbledore. Now, with broken glasses, he barely could see anything. He sat there with his head held up by his hand. The evil family that resided there had already shifted to another house. He was all alone there. 

There at Hogwarts, all were in chaos, getting ready for the event. Hermione and Ron had already reached there. And all had their seats at the meeting hall. 

Now, Hermione and Ron started to feel really uncomfortable. Hagrid came to Hermione and Ron and asked them about Harry Potter. All they could give him was silence. So, Hagrid asked them to go to his house and bring him here very soon. 

As Hermione and Ron were half way to Harry's house, they saw Harry fly to Hogwarts with the magic broom headed by his pet Owl. Ah! Now, all sadness of Ron and Hermione washed away. 

Before Harry could reach the meeting hall, the meeting had already started. Harry could hardly see anything and so, made a specs with his magic whip. Hermione and Ron stood by his side when her fixed his broken specs. 

Hermione and Ron gave Harry a hug as he headed into the meeting hall. The speech of the professor Dumbledore started and he, as ended his speech, announced the Chief President of the student's position. 

And the head is.. Professor Dumbledore made a slow mov


It's Harry Potter! He exclaimed. 

And there was a huge applause from the students. Harry Potter rose from his seat and walked to the stage. Dumbledore hugged Harry and have him the medal and asked him to speak. Harry spoke in front of the students. But, this time his behavior was little different. Hagrid doubted Harry and searched for Hermione and Ron but they were nowhere to be found. Harry spoke words with hard words. The students started to gossip among themselves that Harry had lost his mind. The chaos overtook his voice. Harry shouted, 'SILENCE!'. Or else I will kill you. Harry took out his magic whip saying this. And at this moment, his face stares changing. He was not Harry but Voldemort in Harry's form. All rose from their seats and ran out. Just as he was about to curse with the magic spell , Hermione burnt his magic whip with her magic spell. Professor Dumbledore rushed outside from the back door. There they saw Harry Potter inside the flying car fainted. 

Voldemort tried to run but couldn't. All of them now used their magic whips and roared the magic spell and it destroyed him. Hermione then explained what had happened there. 

As Harry hugged Hermione as he headed to the stage. She smelled a fragrance in his body, which was not Harry's. So Ron and Hermione went to his house and saw Harry being tied up with rope and he was exhausted. Now, all came to conclusions and now, Dumbledore change the meeting to another day. 

Harry woke up and Hermione explained everything. 

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