Deepa Murthy

Abstract Fantasy Thriller


Deepa Murthy

Abstract Fantasy Thriller



4 mins

She looked up and saw an entire galaxy staring down at her. Sprawling expanse of dots. She wanted to reach out and pluck one off from the sky. All she reached out to was the ceiling and endless neon lights.

A gloomy day outside. Darkness all around. She stares at her monitor. In the distance she can see a beautiful pond with deers drinking water from it. Golden rays of the sun quenching all shadows, leaving Him content and satiated. She heard a distant cry of a wolf. Oh, it was her manager giving her updates on the new feature.

Lush grass caressed her head of silky hair as she lay down and let it envelope her soft lovely face. The leather was hard and worn out. She needed a new chair.

She felt the tall green grass brush against her slender legs, tickling them. She let out a slight cry of joy, you could call it pleasure but it would tarnish the pristine nature of the emotion. Pleasure somehow always creates an association of sex in our self programmed brains.  The wires from her computer had to be tamed.

She stared into the distant sky. The rain was coming down harder now, beating against the window, wanting to be let in. She wanted to do exactly that. Let it in.

The poor dog was standing at her doorstep for hours, drenched and looking pitiable. She stretched out her arms to pick it up. Her hands grabbed a handful of it.

The berries were much sweeter than she had anticipated. She needed a better substitute though. Maybe Doritos?  The afternoons always were the hardest and yet the most beautiful part of the day. All the animals would be out, drinking from the pond, soaking the sun, and giving her the glimpse of a complete jungle.  The meeting was taking forever to get over.

The afternoon sun was as scorching and ruthless as her colleagues. Even the animals were seeking refuge under shades of large trees.

She had to leave. But it was bright outside. She had to wake up. But the night wasn’t over yet. She had to esca

pe. But the destination was not decided yet. She had to scream. But she hadn’t found her voice yet. She wanted to catch a glimpse of him, judge him, know him. She wanted his ghost to visit her, tell her about his life, like an endless story.  She wanted to just fall asleep and die listening to him. She wanted to die in her sleep. Wait, it was still bright outside.  And she was still asleep. 

The jungle faded away. The neon lights had dimmed into non existence. And then there was this stillness in her that moves nothing and is moved by nothing. It’s like a thick, muddy, dirty pool of stagnant water, somewhere deep in the forest, not exposed to fresh air or sunlight, forever stinking. But she saw the animals drinking this poisonous water earlier from the pond. She should stop them. Stop them. They may die. The jungle will no longer be complete. She has to run to them now. Pull them away. They are taking sip after sip, notwithstanding the heat. The sun was merciless.

Her head is heavy from all the blood that rushed to it when she looked up at the sky. She has to clear her head. She has to move her limbs. Breathe in. Let the conditioned air rejuvenate her void lungs. She sees the animals collapse and die. She clutches the sheets. Yes! She can move her hands.  She twitches her toes, feeling her legs for the first time since she looked up.

That darn sky. That darn beautiful bright sky with splendid stars.  Her heart is chained. She feels her heartbeat thumping in her temples. Her eye lids are sealed shut. She gives up. And then she hears it. His voice. It always haunted her. So powerful, so soothing, so light, so high pitched. He was the living, functioning example of successful contradictions. It gave her the creeps. That unheard song, full of unfulfilled desires. His sweet childlike voice. She wanted to reach out with her soul. His song was like precious drops of water flowing down her throat after walking for a whole day in a desert, like pearls in the ocean, like rainbows and shooting stars. And eyes wide open!

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