Flowers fragrance
Flowers fragrance

Whether you rise like the sun
or blaze the hot rays gun
bear in mind, you have to set soon
and give place to the moon's silvery rays
That shall spread the coolness and stay
the flower has to spread the fragrance
human birth is not merely a chance
you will have to show it at once
Love has an essence
and importance too
the sunset has a message
before you set, leave behind memory on the page
Let your heart not burn with rage
let peop
le know you more and guess
why this man remained did not go after a mad chase?
such things happen
But you stay happily driven
try to make the living place a heaven
so the benefit is taken by all humans
showing concern and sharing it with all brethren
not all people may remain kind to you
They may make you pass through
all hurdles and create troubles
but take it not as a problem
show it proficiently that you can tackle them