
I always like to read interesting articles about science and destiny. Today, I read a riveting feature about multi-verse. Humans sometimes experience "glimpses of the future". For example sometimes when you think about someone - you run into them later. The more you think about them more likely you are to meet them. It seemed like pseudo-science. My mind started to gallivant towards Suhasini. This was queer, as I haven't had contact with her for a decade. An unexpected ring of the doorbell burst my thought bubble. Who could this be?
I opened the door and it was my driver. He is taking me to the dance competition sponsored by my company, which I will be judging. I always like to arrive at my engagements early; this gives me a chance to interact with people. Sitting in the backseat of the car, my mind was taking a ride of its own. It strayed back to Suhasini.
Gazing through the car window, everything reminded me of her. I could see her face in the clouds, I reminisce
d the time I met her, pulled out of my fantasy for a moment, as the car broke down, and then was back in time - once while returning home from a late-night movie my motorbike went flat. It's amazing how the memories of something that happened so long ago were still vivid. Luckily, I arrived at the event just in time! I entered and was politely escorted to my seat. I sat down and turned to the person on my left. Even she reminded me of her. Wait! This was her! I couldn't believe my eyes.
Maybe the thing I read about multiple universes was true. The event started but I honestly wasn't paying much attention. We both had a huge ego but I wouldn't allow something so trivial to stand between us! When the event was over I gathered courage and asked her if she would have lunch with me. She agreed! There was another question on my mind, an answer that I needed more than anything in the world. Was it a good time to ask? Hell! “Are you married?” And to my pleasure, she answered no! I was patiently waiting for her to ask me the same question. I wasn't married either. From this day on I definitely believe in destiny!