Death of A Youngest Patriot
Death of A Youngest Patriot
We have heard the names of many revolutionaries. We always show our respect towards them. Some of them have been revered in some states. Apart from this, there were also some revolutionaries who fought against the British Emperor but we forgot them. Even If we search in history, we will not find their names there. Abhay, the protagonist of the story, was one of them. This is his story of who fought against the British at a very young age. This is also the story of his mother who encouraged him to fight for the rest of his life knowing the harmful consequences. A story that has never been told and never will be. Witness the most heinous incident which has stunned the entire country. It was condemned by the famous leaders of that time. A fight of the youngest patriot.
Abhay could not hold the pistol. It was too heavy for him. Although at the age of six, it was his time to study his life was different from other children's. His mother Durgabati never let him go to school. Instead, he was forcibly admitted a year ago to Nipen Bose's Yoga center, where children are trained to build their good physiques. The centre was founded to teach its members the different ways to secretly kill the British police. It looked like a simple center from the outside but had three secret underground rooms. The first room was full of weapons. In the second room, the patriots made plans on how to free our mother India from those barbaric foreigners. The third room was a torture chamber. Traitors were punished and killed discreetly. Rumour had it that the traitors were buried in the room itself so that no one could find their dead bodies. The British had employed several informers to locate the place, but they were killed before they could inform them of the spot.
Nipen Bose was training Abhay to assassinate British jailer Arison Dyer. Abhay's father was brutally beaten to death by him four years ago when some revolutionaries gathered for Gandhi's non-violent movement. He was leading the movement along with his wife Durgabati. The British police, led by British jailer Arison Dyer, first dispersed the gathering. Then, Abhay's father was brought to him forcefully by police. Arison Dyer whipped him until he died on the spot. Durgabati came to protect her husband, but she was stripped naked on the road. At that time, Abhay was two years old and looked after by Nipen Bose's wife in their home. Nipen Bose was not present at the event. He had gone to another state to lead another assembly of the non-violent movement. Abhay's father was hanged under a nearby tree for five days. Durgabati had been imploring Dyer to return to her husband's dead body but was unheard. Instead, Dyer and her companions raped her for five consecutive days. She cried, tolerated unbearable pain, yet stayed there only to get her husband's body back. Five days later, she had to burn the rotten body of her husband. Durgabati promised by t
he side of her husband's pyre that their son would punish the jailer.
Abhay knew the story since his childhood. His mother told him the story several times. He also took an oath in front of his mother to kill Dyer. He worked hard to make his body strong so that his hands would not tremble while shooting his enemy. He lifted dumbbells daily to strengthen his hands. He ran miles to make his legs stronger. He felt exaggerated pain at night because of the wounds he received during exercise but his mother never applied turmeric mixture. Her heart turned to stone for revenge.
Almost after three years of training, Abhay's turn came to assassinate Arison Dyer. He got the news that Mr. Dyer visits a prostitute from time to time. The prostitute herself was an informer. Her name was Rosina. Her father and husband were burnt alive by British jailer, Arison Dyer because they were associated with the non-violent movement. Luckily, Rosina and her mother were not home at that time. They had gone to her aunt's house to organize their next movement. Her mother died of shock. Although Rosina was a bright student, she had to choose this profession for saving her life and, of course, for revenge.
One day, the prostitute informed them that Dyer will visit her tonight. Abhay hid in her room before Dyer arrived. At ten o'clock, Arison Dyer entered the prostitute's room. Before he could close the door, Abhay came out of his hideout and shot three bullets in his head. Arison fell on the floor in second. Blood flowed away from his wound. Abhay danced in excitement but was arrested by the police, who accompanied Dyer and were waiting outside.
Abhay was taken to the magistrate of a British court. The magistrate was surprised to see the nine-year-old boy. His trial lasted for about four days. Meanwhile, Abhay's audacity at this young age spread across the country. Since he had become an inspiration to others, the British government wanted to instill fear again in the hearts of the revolutionaries. As a result, they decided to hang the little boy till death.
At last, the day of Abhay's execution had come. Before the scheduled time, the area around the prison was packed with a huge crowd. Many revolutionaries from different states of India assembled to witness the brutality of British rule. The British police lathi-charged them so that they could not enter the prison premises by breaking the barrier. Abhay was taken to the gallows. There was no fear in Abhay's eyes. All the British staff present there were thrilled to see the young boy. Abhay refused to wear the black cap the moment a hangman tried to make him wear it. Outside the prison, Durgabati was standing strong. Her nine-year-old child was dying to free our motherland. She felt proud of him. When this youngest revolutionary was about to be hanged, he loudly said, "Vande Mataram." Then, there was complete silence.