Akila Raj



Akila Raj




1 min

There was once an oyster who spent his life happily swimming,

Never worry about anything, invariably enjoying,

The moment a grain of sand entered his shell,

He began striving to give it an amicable place to dwell,

Covering his shell over the grain protectively,

He shielded it from the surrounding insecurities,

le="background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);">Enduring all the hardships and the pain,

He supported the grain without any complain,

Tailored and conditioned it at every stage with patience,

So it evolves into a pearl glowing with resplendence.

Every dad out there plays the role of an oyster,

Grooming his pearls(Kids) to gleam with luster.

He is my Oyster and I am his Pearl

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