Jaspreet khaira

Horror Tragedy Thriller


Jaspreet khaira

Horror Tragedy Thriller

Cursed Treasure Part 2

Cursed Treasure Part 2

14 mins

        Continued from part 1 :

But when he saw the inside the tube well, he was frightened. He was about to scream because what he saw was the sarpanch's dead body ! Tears started dropping from his eyes. He was so confused and shocked that he was not able to speak even a single word. Sarpanch's body had filled the whole well with blood. His whole body was like someone sucked his whole blood. Ravi slowly spoke, "Kaka !". He said so that a person from the crowd came near him and said, “When I woke up in the early morning, I saw that my pots were totally empty. I went near the tubewell to fill them when I saw this. I feel very bad for you, Ravi.” Ravi then quickly called the police for inspection. When the police came, they quickly started checking the tubewell and the body. Ravi was already stressed by thinking if it is a murder. It took almost an hour for the police to inspect but still after a long inspection, they got nothing. They didn’t get even a single clue. They just said to Ravi, “As we got no clues of murder, we think its a suicide.We will check it tomorrow.” and returned. After a few minutes, the ambulance called by the police came and took the body with them for postmortem. Ravi was already tired and traumatised. So, he just went inside the mansion and took a nap. After sleeping many hours, he woke up. It was about 1:30 p.m. when he woke up. Then, he decided to take a look at the plot to relax. He dressed up quickly and reached the plot area. The plot was fully clean and empty. 

“I think I can easily sell this plot online.”

He was saying so that he noticed something. A fully dark shadow across the plot was standing. His whole body was like his Kaka ! He quickly went there to check but when he reached, the shadow disappeared. He was totally confused about what just happened. He then ignored it by thinking it was an illusion and returned to the mansion.

It was about midnight. Ravi went to the bathroom to refresh before he sleeps. He went inside and stood under the flowing water of the shower. But when he was taking a bath, someone knocked at the door of his bedroom. He thought that it might be Murli, his servant. He asked from the bathroom, ”What happened, Murli ?” but no one answered him and the knocking continued. He got annoyed by the knocking and turned off the shower. He then dressed up and went near the door. The knocking suddenly stopped that time. He then opened the door but then saw that no one was there. He thought that Murli might get outside after getting tired of knocking. He went outside the mansion and looked here and there but still no one was there. He thought, ”I am sure he was Murli. I will talk to him tomorrow.” and then went to sleep. When he laid on the bed, he took his medicine and then closed his eyes to sleep.

It was about to 1 o'clock. He was sleeping that he listened some horrible voices. The voices were so loud that made him woke up. When he got up, he rubbed his eyes and then, he freezed. He started shaking with fear. His eyes got wide open because his kaka, Ramesh Chaudary was standing in front of him. He was looking horrible like his body in the tubewell. Fully red eyes, blood flowing down from his head, fully white body and an aggressive face. Ravi was so afraid and confused about what is happening with him. He tried to scream but the voice was unable to come out from his mouth. His Kaka laughed loudly and then...He roared like an deadly lion. His roar stunned Ravi. He then jumped on Ravi and started scratching his body. His nails were bloody and sharp. Ravi started screaming with pain. After that, that entity took a knife from the table next to the bed and stabbed it in Ravi’s neck. Ravi screamed once and then, he fainted. At morning, he woke up. He still didn’t forget anything that happened last night.He quickly looked towards his neck in a small mirror lying near his bed but it was fine. No ghost and no blood was there. He took a sigh of relief and exclaimed, ”UF ! It was a horrible nightmare !” and got up from the bed. He then refreshed himself and starting dressing up in front of a mirror attached to his wardrobe. but when he removed his shirt, he was fully traumatised. There were three marks of scratching on his body. The blood was not flowing from them but still there were looking fresh. He again remembered the last night.

“Was it just a nightmare or reality ?”

He was totally confused and a bit scared ! It was happening so that suddenly his phone rang. Without checking who is calling, he picked up the call. He just said, “Hello !” but then got shocked by what the caller said ! After that, he quickly declined the call and picked up his car keys. He then drove his car towards the city. After half an hour, he reached a place where a huge building was burning in flames. Both police and fire brigade were there trying to control the fire. When Ravi saw this, he was not able to move due to being shocked. After some time, he sat on the ground and started crying because the burning building was his restaurant. He had opened his own restaurant a few months earlier by taking a loan from the bank. He had thought that he would pay the loan with all the profit he will make but his plan ruined.

When the fire was controlled, the firefighters returned. The police were also returning that one of them told him, “I got to know that you are the owner of this restaurant. The fire started due to an electric discharge, Ravi. No one was inside when this discharge happened.” and he then also returned. Ravi was just thinking that how he will pay the rest of the loan. He had another choice but he didn’t want to use it. But still, he again went to the village and got some coins from the chest. He then again went to Nath to exchange coins. This time Nath also had a doubt on him but still he gave him the money. He then went to the bank to pay the loan. While going, he was a bit guilty that he must not use the coins. But still he ignored this feeling and paid the full loan. After that, he was again returning to the village that he again noticed a crowd near the tube well.This time, the police were also there. Ravi predicted that something bad happened again. He quickly ran towards the village and saw something which made him close his eyes. A dead body of a young boy was floating inside the tubewell. The scenario was totally similar. Fully whitish body, Water mixed with blood and again the horrifying voices of crying in the crowd. The boy was also the residence of this village. Again, the police declared the incident as a suicide and took the body with them for postmortem. They also informed that the postmortem report of both the bodies will arrive after two days. 

“Someone has cursed our village. We must not get out of our houses for some days. This is our only choice !” Said an old man from the crowd.

Everyone agreed that they will stay indoor for some days. Whereas Ravi was lost in his own thoughts. Without saying anything, he went inside his mansion and tried to ignore everything just happened.   

At night, when he again went to refresh, he listened some weird and horrible voices. But he ignored them and went to sleep after refreshing.

“What is happening in my life ? It was very good earlier. But now ?” He was thinking so that he slept.

At midnight, he waked up slowly and shakes his head and then what he saw was... Unbelievable ! He saw that he is hanging with a rope upside down and the same child, who was found dead at daytime is standing in front of him. he was shocked and wanted to free himself but he was not able to move. The boy was looking as horrible as Sarpanch. He had a big stone in his hand. Ravi had already predicted what the boy is going to do. The boy lifted his stone and said, ”Bad Uncle !”. He then laughed and threw the stone hardly on Ravi’s face.

“AAaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!”

With this scream, Ravi waked up. It was morning time. Again, ther

e were no marks on his face. He didn’t even know what is happening with him and why it is. He was not able to concentrate on his work. He had almost forgotten about the plot he had come to sell. He was acting like a weirdo now.

From that day, the series of nightmares continued. Everyday Ravi faces any financial problem which made him use the treasure coins every time. And when his problem solves, every time a villager dies and the other villagers finds his dead body in the well next day and then Ravi faces the nightmare of that villager who just died. The village started getting empty and deserted. Ravi could not resist this anymore. He started getting mad. Sometimes, he laughs loudly and sometimes screams without any reason. To relax himself, he started drinking which had a huge negative effect on his health. One day, he drank the full bottle of whiskey at night. and was going downwards to take another bottle that his foot slipped on the stairs and he falled hardly on the ground.After that, he fainted but then Murli saw him and quickly called the ambulance.After a couple of hours, when he waked up he saw himself in the hospital. Anjali was sitting on a couch next to him. When he regained consciousness, she quickly grabbed his hand and asked, “Are you fine now ?”

“Yes, my dear ! I feel better now.”

“Your son waits for you everytime. I didn’t told him that you are here otherwise he had started crying. I also miss you. When will you come home ?”

“Now ! I will sell the plot later. For now, I just need my family.”

“Really !”

Anjali hugged him. After getting discharged, He packed his luggage and decided to go home to relax his mind and to meet his son. When he returned home with his wife, Sumit came out of the house when he saw his father, he exclaimed, “Papa !” and then hugged him lovingly. Ravi smiled and hugged him too.

“Papa, will you ever leave me again ?”

“No, my son ! Now I will stay with you forever.”

“Really ! I love you, Papa !”

They then hugged each other again and then went inside the house.

It was about 10 (o) clock at night when rainfall started. Ravi was looking out of the window of his room with a cup of coffee in his hand. He was trying to forget everything that happened with him in the village. All he remembered was the treasure he had kept in the old mansion. He thought that he will also get the treasure from the village tomorrow. He was saying so that he saw something outside from the window. He saw that all the villagers who died in the tubewell, were standing in a crowd outside. They were looking very horrible and aggressive. Ravi again got a bit tense but he was normal than earlier as he had already seen them. He tried to ignore it by thinking it's just an illusion. Then suddenly, his phone rangs. He took the call by turning his face to get rid of those entities.

“Hello !” It was Nath.

“Hey Nath ! What happened? Why are you calling me at night ?”

“Ravi, have you pranked on me or what ?”

“What are you talking about ?”

“I had kept the coins you gave me in a separate chest. But now when I checked it the chest is now full of with some red coloured water. First I thought its blood. Tell me what have you done ?”

Ravi was fully traumatised. He dropped the phone from his hand.

“Hello ! Hello, Ravi !” After that, the call rejected.

When he again turned, he saw that no one was there ! Now, he understood everything. Why the coins were so attractive, Why so many incidents happened in his life, why everyday a villager died in the tubewell, why he got nightmares of those villagers, why the coins he gave to Nath melted into blood….he got answer of all of his questions. He then quickly went to meet Nath in his car without telling anybody. As he reached, he went inside the shop and there, he meet Nath. Nath didn’t asked any questions from him as Ravi was already looking tense. Ravi first catches his breadth several times and then asked help from Nath....

“Nath ! I need your help !”

“Sure, Ravi ! But what happened ?”

He then told the whole incidents happened with him and how he found the treasure full of coins. Nath listened his problem carefully and said, “There is one person who can help you ?”

“Who ?”

“There is a saint. He lives in a dark cave situated in the centre of the forest near the city. I have heard that he can trap ghosts and remove black magic. Go find him ! I am sure he will help you ?”

Ravi without waiting, sat in his car and leaved for the village. When he reached there, he went into his mansion’s basement. There, he removed the blanket from treasure and took out a pouch from his pocket. Then he filled the pouch with some coins as he can’t took the whole chest to the forest with him. He then reached the same place where he had found the treasure. After that, he opened map on his mobile and he saw that the centre of the jungle is looking deserted but it was looking so small and there was no clear route to reach there. As he had no choice, but when he moved his feet, the forest roared itself with the cries of wolves and barks of wild dogs. It gave Ravi some horrible vibes because the jungle was small but there were many species of dangerous animals living in it. As he went deeper, the noise became louder. He was going so that he noticed something scary ! Two red eyes were shining brightly in the dark bushes. As he stepped his foot a bit near, a large wolf with big sharp claws pounced on him. He falled hardly on the ground on the ground and the pouch filled with coins had fallen at a distance. He looked at the wolf with fear. The wolf’s eyes were bloody and it was looking very aggressive at that time. It again jumped to attack on Ravi but Ravi dodged it and quickly took the pouch. Then he tried to run as fast as possible. The wolf started chasing him. He was trying his best to reach at the centre of the jungle quickly. While running, Ravi bumped ina fallen tree and falled down. The wolf attacked on him again. He screamed very loudly, “Aaaaaaaaaa!!!”

Then suddenly, a shockwave arose and threw the wolf at a far distance. The shock was that great that it killed the wolf badly. Ravi was almost dead by the whole incident that he heard a voice, “You are safe now ! Come in !” As he looked forward, he saw that he reached his destination. A big old temple with a light of flame coming from inside was there.

“Does the saint lives here ?”

By thinking this, he entered the temple. The temple was surrounded with many poisonous plants, herbs, fungi and also some terrible insects. As he entered the temple, he saw the saint sitting in front of a firepit doing ritual. When Ravi went closer, he opened his eyes. Ravi was about to say something that the saint stopped him and said, “I know who are you. When you entered in this temple, I got to know that you are in a serious problem.

“Really ?” Ravi asked in a confused manner.

“No more questions ! Now give me the pouch you have in your pocket !” The saint exclaimed.

Ravi was shocked when he heard that the saint also know he have a pouch. He took out the pouch from his pocket and lend it in saint's hand. The saint opened it and took a coin from it. He then threw the coin in the flames of fire. Then he started saying some mantras by closing his eyes.

Ravi was still scared and a bit confused that what's happening. After a few minutes, the saint opened his eyes and then something stranged happened to him. He roared like a dangerous animal and then he just said…"I will Kill you !!!" and then, he fainted.


            Read next in part 3


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