Akkriti Behuray ⟬⟭

Abstract Comedy Children Children Stories


Akkriti Behuray ⟬⟭

Abstract Comedy Children Children Stories

Childrens' Day Celebrations!!

Childrens' Day Celebrations!!

4 mins

Happy Childrens' day to all the young minds, reading my story! 

On 13th November, we got a message from our school authority that we got to wear decent colorful clothes the next day for children's day celebrations. We were really excited for it and then decided on which clothes to wear. I chose a new T-shirt of mine with a denim jacket and jeans, just a simple and comfy outfit for winters! My brother chose a grey woolen high-neck T with jeans. But our school didn't let us know whether we had to carry books or not?! As it was one of my friend's brother's birthday, I went to her house and asked her to message one of our teachers. Then our teacher, much to our disappointment replied that we had carry 'em. I completed my how as much as I could and went to sleep...

The next morning, we got ready an felt as fresh as a daisy. I reached the school in a few minutes and my friends. We were just chit-chatting when one of our C-obsessed friends came, she literally looked like an idol but kind of formal too. We were quite surprised to see her in such an avatar hehe. The free time ended, and we went down for the assembly. There was something special about the assembly today~ it was being conducted by teachers. Two of our English teachers were the hosts and precisely imitated our assemblies in a bubbly manner like "Oh I forgot to read the newspaper... Must be feeling sleepy so we'll refresh you with the thought of the day... I (X) am going to speak blah blah..."

The assembly seemed to have ended really fast... It felt boring and interesting at the same time. Before returning to our classes, the news that lit us up was that we would have a dance party in the last periods. WOOHOO!!

The first got over like that we just came upstairs, rested and went for PT (because it was our 2nd period). We played badminton. The next period was math which just went in bulletin board decorations as some people from CBSE are going to come. In English, we just discussed about the current prose and ma'am showed us a few videos. In Hindi we did time pass as ma'am gave us 5 topics to speak on (impromptu) with the preparation of 10-15 minutes. But ma'am was lenient that day, so she allowed us to refine our speeches and speak on the upcoming days. Then came recess~ I met my other friends; had fun time. As it was the 5th period for the juniors, they were having their dance part on the ground and songs were being played by few teachers on the stage. I met my brother there and the siblings of few of my other friends and we also vibed to the songs we like. Shortly after, the bell rang, and we returned to our classes. It was SS, ma'am showed us a movie explanation about the dog Palma. 

A few minutes were left in the video when the bell rang, but we didn't care! Seeing our actions, ma'am closed that tab and told us to watch it at home if we wished to. We marched to the ground with our biology teacher (as she was having the 7th period with us). I reached few minutes late as I had to meet a teacher and go to the restroom. I kept my bag with the bag of others of my class and went towards my friends. We all grouped up and formed a circle. Our songs started playing; we tuned in with the aura and started dancing at first with mild steps. With the songs (sometimes remixes too) getting ahead, our energy also soared high and at times we also felt as if we're drunk (we enjoyed it to the next level). Some songs were cringe for us so two of my friends were going to ask if they could play some good hindi songs (suggestions as such) or kpop/pop songs. But suddenly One Kiss by Dua Lipa and Calvin Harris started playing. The crescendo built up and we all were like~ Something in you... Boys sang the 'one x 4' part like pigs XD. Then after some party songs like hookah bar (one of my childhood favs), chikni chameli, garmi (that lizard choreo LOL),laila, and what not?! A familiar tune felt to have being played to us. At first, we couldn't hear it well as everyone was screaming but then we came to know that it was none other than the iconic song GANGNAM STYLE. I just waited for the chorus doing the normal dance and then shouted loudly 'OPPA Gangnam Style' and we all did that bumpy choreo! Blinding Lights, Waka Waka, Sorry were played in the next half along with some other songs. I didn't like Garba much at last (as there wasn't a particular line for Dodhyu dance and it was scattered). We thoroughly relished that day at school! After that we all went back home. 

I don't know what happened to my friend but she was singing Euphoria with me as she took my hands and then we're singing Dandelions😅 while going back to our respective vans. My friend and I along with another goon also sang Money in disappointment as we expected it to be played. But the sir who was playing in the second half was asked two times by us and we couldn't ask him anymore as he's very cold.☠️🗿 

At home we wore new clothes (hehehe), went for outing and cherished those moments!

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