Pretty Savage! My Topsy-Turvy Class #4
Pretty Savage! My Topsy-Turvy Class #4

Hey Readers! I'm back with the hilarious moments in my class. My New session has started with a lot of zeal and zest. Enjoy reading~
Chemistry Period:
Sir was discussing about matter in our surroundings. With flow, the topic went towards went towards soaps from molecules...
SIR: Soaps are really good cleansers as they can remove the dead cells from our skin. Dead cells cause internal reactions, further leading to body odour too.
HARI: Is this why we have hair fall when we use soaps instead of shampoos?
SIR: I didn't get it reaction
HARI: Sir, Isn't hair also made up of dead cells?
Class starts going crazy for not having such big brains...
New Kids:
3 New kids have joined our class out of which one is a boy and another two girls. One of the girls has joined quite late but interestingly some girls of our class remember her being in 2B in past as she left the school earlier and joined again after years. She is the lucky one to experience being in two different houses in the same school and also a drastic change of aura. Another girl is befriended by me and my friends and she is just like a normal newcomer; not like that boy whom people don't miss a chance to mock because of his unfriendly attitude and bragging.
ALL THE TEACHERS: Introduce yourselves in brief!
TRIMAN: Hi! I am Triman G and I'm SG Ma'am's son! (Then some info about past school and all)
THE BOYS: (since they won't leave him- the after effects) Slowly chanting nepotism rocks after being frustrated; naming him TREE MAN as he mocked some others.
Our first practical in 9C was of Chemistry. In practicals, we have 2 periods out of which roll numbers 1-20 were taken to be shown the chemistry lab in the first period whereas 21-40 had to draw and write about the apparatus in the overleaf notebook. Our previous year biology teacher was there with them and we went with our chemistry teacher. After we came back, 21-40 went to the lab. Our previous biology teacher is quite friendly with us having taught us for 3-4 years. She was so frustrated by his eccentric behaviour. He literally sat on the floor saying he has a stomach ache and when ma'am prescribed him to go to sick bay, he denied saying he is feeling better. Someone said that maybe he felt quite light sitting on the floor (you get it right?).
Then our half started bustling to talk about his tantrums. Finally one of the students said, "He also once said that Potassium is a bacteria which baffled everyone." Even ma'am started laughing and asked which science encyclopedia did he follow rhetorically. One of the live wires of our class concluded saying that, "How ambiguous is it, when your son is such an outcast and insane when your mother is a freaking psychology teacher." Ma'am was truly smitten by this fact.
Friend Circle:
I was quite upset having been separated from my old 8C friend group, all of them being in 9B except 2 in 9A (who actually don't bond that well). God knows what grudge my ex-class teacher had on me?! (As she had the ideology to keep friends together) But when I saw the boring list of teachers in 9B and our teachers being the most interesting ones (especially my class teacher who seems to be kind of gaga over me having taught me last year; still I don't know), I have become quite enthusiastic with my class now, also reunited with some old friends being separated for years and some others too!
One of our friends is Vedika who is teased constantly as her surname is TRIVEDI. Many must have understood by now that it is hilarious portmanteau of Triman and Vedika.
VEDI: You guys are so agitating, please don't degrade my surname.
ALL OF US: Friends never miss a chance to insult.
VEDI: It's sorta better I change my surname.
ALL OF US: Exactly! change it to Gupta! (Hope ya'll get it as well)
I am a part of the toppers but of course not the nerdy perception people have. But, I hate toppers cum snitches. One day, one of them was poking his nose into my business and trying to ruin my image by bringing things out of nowhere. I am like- "If you want to be a chamcha (more than an annoying snitch), why don't people use you in the canteen. A lot of emotional damage!
A conversation of this guy in the library period. (3 girls and 4 boys)
SNITCH: Do you guys know I must be the only one principal ma'am knows because of my 94% (It is quite tough to get above 90 in our school because of its advanced level papers than CBSE level and high expectations of some teachers)
ME: (Just thinking but I am never going to flaunt about, among these humbugs; hope to achieve many more being rooted :) (Didn't I get a call from Director ma'am almost 2 years back?, I legit froze; and also certain visits to Principal ma'am for different competitions and events)
SNITCH'S RIGHT HAND: Ok! But we all also got just 2-3 percentages less than you on an average (except the fourth boy who scores below average)
RD: Have you got any bronze in Olympiads also? (Certainly wrecking his sail of thoughts)
AYUSHI: Ever been a part of debates, extempore, writing or quizzes? (Just knows ho
w to gobble up certain academics part and score)
SNITCH: (I shall better be quiet right now)
Embarrassment Overloaded:
I always return home by van so I go out with two of my friends Bhairavi and Diya. One day Bhairavi was quite excited to tell me something which I sensed surely pertained to Diya. So here's the conversation when we teased her but didn't drag it long; we shine solo ya'll!
BHAIRAVI: You must've guessed it. Do you know AD?
ME: Ah! I can't recall.
BHAIRAVI: Arrey the one who looks like Mythpat! Actually he used to be in the same van as Diya in primary grades and certainly liked her a little.
ME: Yeah got it... So?
BHAIRAVI: Today Diya fulfilled his drama-like old dream maybe... While going towards the class, she fell on him!
ME: Oh god! Diya, I'll have to tell aunty that you are getting out of hand. Never expected this from such a sincere kid, what would teachers think?
BHAIRAVI: Akkriti, I think we got our Brother-in-...
DIYA: Enough of it... I don't why do these type of things just happen with me
BHAIRAVI and I: Poor soul but now you can prove your current van's brat that you can also get and talk to guys! (But we love our Bes-tea!)
Darshi (My Insurance Quiz partner, some of you must be knowing) and I took part in yet another contest by SONY BBC EARTH and got the 2nd position. We were quite happy but I always tell my avid IPL watcher, my brother that we lost this quiz because of the last question of the buzzer round by milliseconds as the answer was RCB which can bring nothing but disappointment. (Sorry RCB fans! But you guys have proof)
We were to receive kindles as prizes (delivery at home). My class teacher was informed first, who wanted to take a picture of it with Principal Ma'am and quiz in-charge and felicitate but we hadn't received our goodies and certificate. She wanted to do it before vacation starts. She had to do some jugaad and called us to be there on 3 May in assembly. I always have my Yoga periods in the first period and we mostly miss the assembly due to it to get more time in Yoga and not get exhausted by going up and down. Majority of the Wednesdays are felicitation-based assemblies. I went alone to the ground leaving my class (but my friend Diya later joined); felt quite free; caught up with Darshi and waited near the staircase of the stage. We stood as if we were punished with teachers bustling there; then feeling quite uncomfortable we went to the other side so that we are free and no one could see us and had a light conversation with an old teacher too. Finally, a worker told us passing the message late) that my class teacher has told us to go back to our classes and for me to go upstairs for Yoga as the assembly was purely for POCSO awareness out of the blue. Nor did she want to go to her class, neither did I want to go to Yoga. We both headed towards the corridor to roam around as the whole school was out but suddenly as we entered, we heard our names being taken. It was my class teacher herself who told us that our class was outside and we need to be observant. In the last 7 minutes we had Yoga but Diya and I managed to go in the lieu of bringing Yoga mats (my brother had it and hers was in class) as we both were going to be the part of assembly! When I went to my class which was luckily open, some boys were there out of which Rey was creepily dancing to the meditation tunes (for inside assembly) and had some refreshments. Coming back to the hall for Yoga, we just did Savasana! Such an escape...
On Friday we were called again for felicitation. Some other Olympiad things were done after which we were called. We were given Kindles much to our shock standing afar. Pictures were taken with Principal ma'am with our morning, disgusted faces yet a smiling façade! When I went back to my class, Tanny, again a brat but of course respects my opinions, asked me to show my Kindle. I replied with a regretful tone breaking his expectations that it was taken away from us as...! Even he had a light hearted laugh and called Hari; who later called Pri and his partner finally screaming- woh toh Dabba tha (Dummy of course!). Later Pri and I had a small talk regarding the competition and it's actual details.