Kishan Dutt

Classics Inspirational Others


Kishan Dutt

Classics Inspirational Others

Can ego be destroyed?

Can ego be destroyed?

4 mins

Can ego be destroyed? 

Is ego a power?

Most of the people often discuss and condemn the Ego. They say he or she is very egoistic. This ego is very bad. This ego word has become very notorious. That is why, some people say that "Now I will not breathe until I get finish up my Ego". But can you finish this ego element? Can anybody finish this Ego element? No it is an element within. It cannot be dissolved completely while living in life. In fact it has its positive perspectives. Everyone gets it by birth. It is first gift given by the nature when the soul takes the physical birth. It can be useful in physical development and in evolving the consciousness.That is why nature has given it to us. By using the ego in a positive and creative way, we can develop materially. Apart from this, it is the ego that can take us to the state of self-realization. The ultimate physical and spiritual growth becomes possible through the purification and creative use of the ego. 

  Some people believe in the power of ego. But, ego is not a power. Ego has no power. Ego is an illusory state of mind. It is actually a state of negative or positive being. There are some creative and latent powers within us. These powers have been perverted. These creative but have now been into perverted negative powers are called as vices ie anger, hatred, lust, greed, attachment etc. If we transform these negative vicious powers into creative powers, then our ego automatically dissolves. 

It is often thought that man should not use his negative powers. But, just think for a while, will there be any problem in using the negative powers and transforming them into positive and creative powers? No, there should be not be any problem in making positive and creative use of negative energies of human beings. When there is a positive and creative use of negative energies, then it is 100% true that by and by the ego decreases and finally disappears. If the powers or characteristics of the soul are not utilized, the impure ego remains even in a more determined stage. The essence is that the

ego cannot be dissolved if there is no positive and constructive use of the powers (virtues).

   We often talk about the method of yoga. Many people believe that the ego will end only through yoga. That's fine. Through the intense practice of Rajayoga, not only the ego can be dissolved but all the vices can be end. But how and when? This is also important to know. The meaning of yoga itself is : "the union of the soul with the Supreme soul." The soul can meet the Supreme Soul only when the mind and body are pure and creative then the mind will reach the state of Manmanabhav. Not before that. Yes, it is possible that through the thought or imagination of the formless one can get a little glimpse of the formless (incorporeal). But meeting with God is a completely different, unique and superb stage.

  Therefore, for dissolving the state of Ego, there is only one methodological solution.That is to transform the latent creative powers through the process of creative actions and sublimation of the psychological energy. Afterwards, the intensive mediation is possible wherein no ego remains. Ego can only be dissolved after attaining the incorporeal state of consciousness. Not before that. 

Ego is only bad in a situation when it comes to such an extent that - "I am the one only, I am only the super, I am most powerful. There is no one else like me. Ego is harmful in the situation mentioned above. From such state of ego people do get pain. Such ego starts hurting others through mind, word and deed.

 If your powers (qualities) are not being used in constructive actions, then the mind and physical body will not be purified. If the mind and physical body are not purified, then the ego cannot be dissolved completely. That means the spiritual perfection can't be attained unless and until the incorporeal state of consciousness is attained. 

So use your quality (virtues / powers) in positive and creative way first and then practice intensive Rajayoga so that the stage of egolessness and formless could be achieved. 

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