Be Cool And Calm
Be Cool And Calm

Feel to be freed yourself and to be freed others is a sign of a calm and cool mind. Do anything with a cool and calm mind. The coolness brings calmness. The calmness brings coolness. Calmness and coolness are just like two sides of a single coin. If you are a meditator (yogi) you have to keep a calm and cool mind. If you have a calm and cool mind you can become a good meditator (yogi). The state of a cool and calm mind can be enhanced up to a certain adequate degree by adapting the method of a balanced diet, b
alanced exercise, and balanced deep sleep. The cool and calm mind can concentrate and meditate for a longer time. If you have a cool and stable (concentrated) mind you can experience the tremendous bliss and happiness within. Both stages are supportive of each other. This balanced state of mind makes you efficient in your professional life too. So be aware of your state of mind. Be cool. Be calm. Keep yourself busy in your continuous spiritual efforts making along with the other activities of your daily life.