Ruler Of Angara
Ruler Of Angara

Hazy clouds hovered above the sky obfuscating the sun. The storm of wind made every object dance to its tunes. Animals and birds yelped in agony as there was pandemonium around. Chaos ensued in the state of Angara to claim the coveted power. Six youngsters named Ravi, Mounika, Vinay, Kriti, Mahesh, and Anil were desperate to ascend the throne of the state. Just when the situation promised to go out of control, a ceasefire was declared. Six youngsters were summoned for a meeting to discuss what needs to be done to determine the ruler of the state. It was decided that all six of them would be locked inside the Angara House for seven days. They would be given multiple tasks and after every two days, one would get eliminated based on the viewer's choice. On the sixth day, two contestants will face an elimination heat and on the seventh day, two will make it to the finals and the winner will be declared based on majority votes. All six of them agreed to this innovative election and made their entry into the Angara House.
Day 1:
A mansion-like house beckoned the youngsters to fill its vacuum. The silence that reigned supreme in the house was breached courtesy of the youngsters. Everybody knew they had to give a tough fight to be the last man or woman standing. The owner's presence will only be through his voice. He offered them a tasty sumptuous meal to kick-start their game. All of them shook hands with each other and began focussing on the challenges that would test their inner strength. Mounika and Anil became close friends as their thoughts connected. Mahesh was more of an aggressive and insensitive person who put his narcissistic character on full display. His motive was to inject fear into others' minds so that he could gain the upper hand over others. The owner gave each of them a topic and asked them to render a speech on that. Ravi struggled to voice his opinions as he held back which reflected his inability to be a strong leader. Mahesh boasted about his oration and told the housemates that no one could match his standards. Ravi and Vinay became Mahesh's friends and they held a secret talk to play together and eliminate others. Kriti was jealous of Mounika because the latter spoke well and she had befriended Anil. She racked her brain to see if she could create a rift between Anil and Mounika.
Day 2:
Ravi had become more of a yesman to Mahesh as he used to nod his head to whatever the former said. He looked to be coerced by his boss. This was a testament to his zero leadership qualities as he was influenced by a narcissistic person and became his assistant. All six contestants now had the challenge to debate against each other on a given topic. Ravi yet again failed to flourish since he only made useless statements which made him a laughing stock. Kriti was more interested in proving Mounika wrong and Anil right. Mahesh launched a verbal war desperate to prove Mounika and Anil wrong. He continuously interfered when others made their points. Being loud means being smart was his ideology. After the debate, he deliberately picked up a fight with Anil and Mounika. It was clear that he didn't like them being together. He believed if he didn't create a rift between the two both of them would pip him and move forward. Your enemies enemy is your friend so he joined hands with Kriti to hatch a conspiracy to crack their friendship.
At the end of the day, all six of them sat on a sofa and the owner would now take the name of a person with the least number of votes. Nobody donned a smile on their face as the tensions flared high. Ravi's name was taken. Vinay and Mahesh felt a bit disappointed as their friend got eliminated. Their plan had a setback as one of the pawns fell. Ravi walked out of the house and five others earned a license to move forward.
Day 3:
Lights stormed across to illuminate the Angara House to mark the beginning of a new day. Contestants woke up to the music playing out in the background.
"Don't you think Mounika and Anil are playing together?" Mahesh asked.
"Mounika has brainwashed Anil. Her modus operandi is to use Anil as leverage to win the show," Kriti said.
"We must not let them thrive together. We need to find a way to curtail their friendship so that they become weak and we can launch an all-out assault to eliminate them. It's akin to killing two birds with one stone," Mahesh smirked.
Contestants were invited to compete in four tasks one after the other. All were related to mind games. Mahesh, Anil, Mounika, and Kriti won one of the four tasks augmenting their position in the house while Vinay finished last in each of the tasks putting himself in a precarious position. Kriti, who had fallen for Anil cracked a friendship with him. Anil and Mounika sometimes argued on certain issues whereas Kriti was polite with Anil. Day three drove itself toward a full stop. The chess game continued to excite people with its new twists and turns.
Day 4:
Day four rekindled the patriotic emotions thanks to the patriotic song that played in the background. Five of them opened their eyes as the light waves hit them hard. What's in store today was the question lingering in their minds. Since the day was a patriotic day, everybody had the leeway to sing patriotic songs. They also wreathed the photos of freedom fighters and paid special tribute to them through their songs. Kriti prepared a special coffee for Anil showing her special love for him. Mounika predicted something is fishy but she concentrated more on her game than being involved in house politics. Mahesh intentionally picked up a fight with Mounika and blew it out of proportion to weaken her morale.
"How can you make such rude statements about me? Who permitted you to assassinate my character?" he fumed.
"What's your problem?" she looked perplexed.
"I know you are selfish and you are ready to resort to any means to pull someone down," he complained.
"What did I say?" Mounika widened her eyes.
"Didn't you say that I assassinate everyone's character? Didn't you say that I am a traitor? Didn't you say that you are using Anil so what? Didn't you say that I am a dictator? If you are so true to your personality then why would you project others in poor light?" Mahesh ensured the words fell on Anil's ears.
"I did not expect you to make such statements, especially using Anil to win," Kriti interjected.
Anil couldn't bel
ieve his ears upon listening to the words of Kriti and a seed of venom started to blossom in their friendship.
The hot sofa beckoned them to occupy it. One contestant faced the heat of elimination. Mahesh's other friend Vinay got eliminated thanks to fewer votes. Mahesh couldn't fathom the fact that two of his friends who played second fiddle to him got eliminated in quick succession.
Day 5:
"I deemed you as honest but never had an inkling that your motive was to use me," Anil expressed his displeasure.
"Do not trust Mahesh? He is purposely trying to create a rift in our friendship," Mounika justified.
"No. I am not here to play second fiddle to you. Better stay away from me," Anil warned.
Hurt by his words, Mounika sat alone in the garden area pondering over how Anil got brainwashed. Kriti laughed inwards when Anil raised his voice against his friend. She applied coconut oil to his hair exactly at a spot where Mounika could see them. By hook or by crook, she needed her nemesis to get distracted which would result in her downfall. Mahesh joined them and all three of them were disrespectful to Mounika. In the first task, the contestants had to answer the viewers gripping questions. Mounika and Anil performed well in giving well throughout answers. Kriti had perspiration mopped over her forehead when Mounika began stealing the show. After the task, Mounika went to the kitchen area whereas Mahesh and Anil went to the garden area. Kriti used this time to hurt her enemy's emotions.
"At first you trapped Anil into your romance pool and now it seems like you want to trap every man in the state," she picked her with her words.
"Please do not make baseless allegations. I know it was you who came up with this conspiracy to manipulate Anil. You thought if Anil stands against me I will become weak. Sorry, I am not here to play any game of love. I stay true to my personality and nobody has the key to fester my mind," she spoke assertively.
"You are a loser. The ugly demon sitting onside you can never thrive. Get the hell out of here," Kriti broke the glass.
"Why did you break the glass? Is this your father's house?" she blurted.
Mahesh and Anil who came to sip tea heard her words and glared at Mounika.
"Arrogance at its peak. Your ego will cease when you are thrown out of the house tomorrow," Mahesh barked out.
In the other task of the day, they had to sprint, pick the flag, and hoist it over the balcony table. Kriti harshly pushed Mounika who fell and got injured; She had no guilt about her actions. Mounika couldn't continue in the task and Mahesh emerged victorious. It was clear that Kriti and Mahesh were now jealous of Mounika and were ready to stoop to any level to thwart her plans and make her look weak.
"I deliberately pushed her so that she would never come back," Kriti giggled.
Mahesh gave her a high five. Anil overheard their arguments and his heart tinged with guilt. He sat alone and ruminated about the day. He felt bad for Mounika and was annoyed by Kriti's conduct.
Day 6:
"Why did you deliberately injure Mounika?" Anil questioned.
Kriti stood astounded by his question wondering how he determined the truth.
"It is our strategy to send her home," Mahesh broke into a wicked laughter.
"I request the owner of the house to take cognizance of their conduct which aimed to deliberately injure a contestant," as soon as he uttered these words, Mounika came back to the house to resume play. Anil rushed and hugged her but the response was lukewarm. The reality dawned upon Anil how difficult it is to build trust and the consequences of breaking the trust. Subsequently, the owner of the house asked them to come one by one and justify why they deserved to be in the finals. Kriti and Mahesh boasted about their not-seen achievements as if they were tailor-made to win the show. In contrast, Mounika and Anil spoke the truth and did not point fingers at others. The owner declared that all tasks are done.
Mahesh, Mounika, Kriti and Anil sat on the elimination sofa staring at the white wall as the voice of the owner stirred their ears. Two are bound to get eliminated and would miss the final by the skin of their teeth. The countdown began and all of them allowed silence to wash their faces. The names of Kriti and Mahesh reverberated around the house claiming their elimination. The narcissistic duo lost his temper and broke the coffee mug into pieces venting out their frustration. Mahesh's plan to eliminate Mounika and Anil did not bear fruit. He tried to manhandle the finalists but quickly security rushed to take him out of the house. Kriti grimaced unable to see Mounika join Anil in the finals. She gritted her teeth reflecting her jealousy but the door opened to kick her out.
Final Day:
Mounika vs Anil. Clash of the Titans. Two of the most deserving contestants in the finals. Who is going to win? Both of them were placed on the main stage of the Angara House. The owner would now tell them who has earned the highest number of votes which would cement their place as the ruler of Angara. Both of them looked a bit nervous for the first time. They certainly knew the significance of the victory and the responsibility that comes after it. Both of them shook hands and stood silent. Their heartbeats refused to slow down intensifying the moment. They both gave their final speech promising the people of Angara that they were ready to give everything possible from their end to steer the boat in the right direction. The countdown began and the people of Angara waited with bated breath to know their leader.
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
And the winner is Mounika!!!!!!!
The whole state went nuts celebrating the victory of a strong woman who deservingly won the show. She sailed through turbulence and came out victorious. She remained herself and stuck to her personality without getting swayed by the distractions. She proved again and again why she was the best among the six. Anil embraced and congratulated her. As soon as she came out of the house, people went on a victory parade. She was placed in a golden palanquin and was hailed as the queen of the state. She indeed got overwhelmed by the boundless love bestowed upon her. As expected, she ruled the state of Angara with her deft leadership skills addressing the concerns of people and allowing them to live a peaceful and contended life.