Allowing yourself to move on
Allowing yourself to move on

Allowing yourself the peace to move on
Sometimes, that is the hardest thing to do to allow yourself to move on.
We are always blaming ourselves for shit even when that shit isn't ours. Even when we know perfectly well, we had nothing to do with the shit storm we end up in; still, so many of us blame ourselves. We let it eat at us until we drive ourselves crazy.
The fight that you didn't start, the friends who won't tell you what's wrong, the people who expect you to be someone or something you're not, all of these types of things can get into our heads and cause us to question ourselves. But what we have to remember is that sometimes it has nothing to do with us. Sometimes, it's a hurt inside them that you triggered, a sore you just happened to touch that made them jump off on you. It was already there, ready to explode. You just happened to be the lucky one that was walking by at the wrong time, and BAM! You got it.
Some people can't admit that they are mad, that they are hurt, or that it may be their issue, so they take it out on you. How many parents take out their stress on their kids? Why do you think we have so much child abuse? Because parents don't know how to cope, and this is what happens.
My favorite quote is from Maya Angelo: "When you know better, you do better."
It is so true; sometimes we don't know how to change, but we all have the ability to change if we truly want to.
So many of us need to ask ourselves, is this coming from a place of hurt? Something that has nothing to do with anyone else, but because
of how I feel, I realized that they are getting the brunt of my anger and hurt. Sometimes, we need to learn how to step back, cool off, and take some space to see the perspective.
Look, some people choose never to change; they don't feel they have anything wrong with them. They don't need counseling; they are fine. They don't need AA; they can handle their drinking, they aren't negative, that's just the world, insert your sob story here, but so many people will never get the help to change.
So, what does that mean for you? You have to choose to move on, you have to choose to stop being abused, you have to choose to walk away from the negativity, the choice is yours because it obviously affects your life as well.
So today my friends remember, you also have a choice, you can choose to say not my monkey, not my circus and walk away. Yes, I know that you thought it was a carnival with all the red flags, but at some point, you have to realize that this shit show has nothing for you. Those candy apples were really poison apples, and you have no time for all of that.
So many people need to own their shit, fix it, and hopefully be able to apologize for what they did. I love the steps in AA because we all can apply them in our lives. Admit, you have a problem, get help, make amends with those you hurt, try to do better, these are steps every one of us need to do.
So do your own work, and if that person chooses not to change, then allow yourself the peace to move on.
"Be the change you want to see."