Prakash Rao

Abstract Action Inspirational


Prakash Rao

Abstract Action Inspirational

A Welcome Change In Society

A Welcome Change In Society

2 mins

Gone are the days of Sati Savithri, Ahalya Devi, Sita Devi etc. Gone are the days of pativratas (husband worshippers) wherein women used to worship their husbands and treat them literally like God. No wonder, husbands were once referred to as "patidev" and wives were often referred to as "satimayi".

Times have changed drastically. The clock is now ticking in anti-clockwise direction. We are now in a digital age where women are seen or known to worship their craft & work (job/profession) rather than their husbands.

Marital life is now purely centered around give & take situation based on mutual respect and mutual adjustments. Women treat their husbands as they are treated by them - no more & no less. Give respect & take respect is the prevailing mantra.

Everything is based on 50-50 principles or terms wherein women are treated with equal dignity & respect both at home and in the workplace. There have been instances where men were seen donning the role of women in discharging the domestic duties when situations demanded.

Women of today believe in "karma-vrata" (work worshippers) and not "pati-vrata" (husband worshippers). They seem to be giving equal importance to their work & profession as they are giving to their family.

No wonder India seems to be slowly heading towards progress, security, and development because of gender equality.

It has been rightly pointed out ages ago that societies, kingdons, and nations prosper where women are respected and treated with dignity.

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