Anil Jaswal



Anil Jaswal


A Way To Good Health

A Way To Good Health

2 mins

Jack was studying in a leading college of the city. As it was the final year of his degree, he was putting every ounce of energy into his studies because it was a make-or-break year. But he was also very nervous, as his percentage in finals had never been up to the mark. So whenever he opened his books, he failed to give his hundred percent. He lacked concentration and took more time to grasp the topics. Although he devoted the whole day to his books, he failed to achieve what he actually wanted.

In the evening, all his friends would sit at the student center, and being in the final year, they would discuss studies, studies, and more studies. During get-togethers, he would quietly listen, but inside, he wondered how these guys could produce such brilliant output despite putting in only

a fraction of the effort he was giving. So he attended one of the TV programs on yoga.

There, the Guruji, the person who was teaching, said to concentrate on your breath. Slowly close your eyes and start feeling your heartbeat, then the sound of the air around you. Now, your mind is free from all the clutter, and it's at zero. Practice this every day in the morning and evening. Jack practiced it for a few days, and to his surprise, the results were amazing. His concentration level improved significantly, and he started grasping topics faster. He felt that his mind was now under his control.

Soon, he joined the elite club of scholars in the college. When he appeared in the finals, he came out with a distinction. So he decided to make a routine to follow this practice.

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