Francis Raj



Francis Raj


A Friday Evening Drizzle

A Friday Evening Drizzle

4 mins

I saw breeze taking the rain droplets with it, in the dim street lights near a busy city metro station, wondered what these droplets had a conversation about. I wish they could tell me where she was. I unlocked my phone to see if at least my phone could tell about her. Nope! It was 10 past 7, a rainy Friday evening standing under the station’s shelter. I changed the song that I was listening to, couldn't get any better than this "Agar Tum Saath Ho" increased the volume. The city faded, it was just me, rain, and music! Yet I felt incomplete. My sight got curious, wondered from where she would come. Half way through the song, I forgot the time. Felt like I was there standing there for infinity, missing the feel of being in drizzle. And I was waiting...

The waiting got joyful, I wanted to see her soon, yet I wanted to wait. I smiled at a stranger for no reason. I appreciated little things; a young couple getting into an auto, a mother letting her child hold an umbrella, droplets on my Enfield. Oh yeah! I had come to the station with my Bucephalus. That's my bike's name, "Bucephalus" Alexander the Great's horse name. I had to peek every now and then just to make sure it wasn’t towed by the police. Then the rain got heavy, I had no option. I called her;

 "Hello, where are you? It's raining" I said.

 "5 minutes, I'll be there, I'm walking on the footpath" she said.

"Do you have an umbrella?" I asked. Mother who let the child hold the umbrella came to mind and I was smiling.

 "Why umbrella? I love the rain" she replied.

 I was enamored by the conversation. I went through my playlist to fill the 5 minutes. Ran into "Chundari Penne”, my eyes went wide as if I won a lottery. Excited yet peeked to check my bike. I saw the spotlight in a city street, little blurry it was. I saw her eyes, searching for me in the midst of crowd. Streetlight was like spotlight on her. And it happened...

There she was, looking for me. I was all set, to make the best impression, all smiles, ran my fingers through my hair to straighten out a bit. Then our eyes caught, she reflected my smile and walked towards me, heartbeats raised just like her footstep

s. I have met her before, but this time it was all distinct. She was in white and black patterned elegance, hair tucked into a bun, in a greenish sweater with a hood, naturally flaunting with the rain. Wish I had a moment just to admire her, us; the moment had come, silence was my offering with a smile.

 "You could have gone before the rain got heavy!" she said. As if I would have afforded to miss this moment.

"It's not raining heavily enough to ride" I smirked.

This time I saw rain droplets on her cheeks, there wouldn't be a better place. I guess they heard me earlier. Felt like I'm living my favorite author's Novel. Chat went on, half of the time I was just admiring her. Rain didn't leave us, we stood there for an hour.

"It is getting late for you!" I uttered with heavy heart.

"No problem, let it stop then we'll go" she said. Light as a feather turned my heart. Bucephalus knew what I thought and it stopped...

 I was busy making memories, forgetting that she had a metro to catch. “Why metro when Bucephalus is with us?” read my thought bubble. It took almost 5 minutes to finally frame it.

"Will you come with me? I'll drop you.” I could hear someone whisper, could have done better. After a brief moment of mute, "I don't wanna trouble you. You carry on!" She replied. I rushed with my words "No trouble, I'll drop you at home!"

And yes it happened, my bike smiled at me. She agreed and there she was as my pillion rider, we started the ride; the only time when I loved traffic. It started to drizzle, (Cherry on top of the cake) I adjusted my right mirror, so that we could see each other. She was loving the drizzle, I saw a sign board's saying welcome to Dreamland. And the 2nd cutest thing about the ride was, when she said "Don't go fast, I'm scared", I would speed up just to tease her. Our eyes would meet every now and then, and speak for themselves. By the time we were near her place it rained heavily. We got drenched, and didn't stop until we reached her place. She hopped off Bucephalus, saw right through me. Damn those lucky droplets, cursed my mind. And I photographed...

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