Harshada Jadhav
Drama Others
Only if you want to come
I'll come
Only If you want to enjoy
I'll enjoy
Only if you want to celebrate
I'll celebrate
Close To Hear...
Everyone Has ...
It's Necessar...
Everyone Have...
It Changes
Have You?
We Just
I am to monitor my own self ǁ I am to monitor my own self ǁ
To Win and Lose Heart - You Take Risk To Win and Lose Heart - You Take Risk
It's high time you embraced your soul and healed the bruises you have created. It's high time you embraced your soul and healed the bruises you have created.
This time she hoped she could wash her sin. This time she hoped she could wash her sin.
I boarded a train of random thoughts. I boarded a train of random thoughts.
I promise you, my dear heart, I won't be able to bring the moon on floor.... I promise you, my dear heart, I won't be able to bring the moon on floor......
The scars on my soul run deep deep down But they're healing, With every new move. I will be fine ... The scars on my soul run deep deep down But they're healing, With every new mo...
Should I tell you about the full moon tonight, so bright in all its glory? Should I tell you about the full moon tonight, so bright in all its glory?
Have you ever battled the mayhem called anxiety... Have you ever battled the mayhem called anxiety...
This story has been removed by the author. This story has been removed by the author.
Racing sun moved towards the thicket of dark... Racing sun moved towards the thicket of dark...
It was no more a melancholy house It was no more a melancholy house
We must be true, noble and disinterested without any attachment and desire We must be true, noble and disinterested without any attachment and desire
When I give birth, I am the MOTHER. I idealise love. For you, my child, I am the world! When I give birth, I am the MOTHER. I idealise love. For you, my child, I am t...
Some were modest enough to shred it into pieces Before letting the flames of the fire place consume... Some were modest enough to shred it into pieces Before letting the flames of th...
That moment of final realisation That moment of final realisation
"Friends?" She asked and surprised was I caught. "Friends?" She asked and surprised was I caught.
A beautiful woman is the one who never compares herself With others, A beautiful woman is the one who never compares herself With others,
Unveil the frozen shell of the never touched oyster, Peep gently through the savoured aces with e... Unveil the frozen shell of the never touched oyster, Peep gently through the ...