Nishka Tegnoor

Abstract Drama Classics


Nishka Tegnoor

Abstract Drama Classics

You Don’t Know

You Don’t Know

2 mins

Cry when you are sad,

Speak when you are blue,

Lugging a heavy heart is knotty, 

Faking a smile is not easy,

Life’s precious don’t stumble off it,

Strive all onerous,

Sound off those obscure emotions,

Solicit for succours,

You’ll anyways find a sympathetic ear,

You’ll always have a dear,

 Nothing’s too severe,

My dear friend be kind,

You never know who is going through w


You never know what a smiling face is crying for,

What a talkative mouth is hiding in,

What shiny eyes are tearing for,

What chilled hands are waiting for,

Whom a lonely soul is waiting for,

What a filled stomach is starving of,

What a rich kid is poor of,

What an intelligent student is not memorising about, 

What an actor is not acting of,

What a writer is not writing about,

What a singer is not making chords of...


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