ritesh deo



ritesh deo


You and Rain

You and Rain

1 min

You and Rain

I become happy

after seeing you,

Just as I become happy

when I see rain.

The drops coming

from the sky 

And touching the land 

Remind me of your touch,

When you touched me

For the first time ever.

Suddenly, you asked me to

hang out after the class,

When all your friends were

Absent that day, and

I recall this day everytime

when it's pouring quietly.

Not only does rain

remind me of you, but

You remind me of rain too.


hen I wait for you 

To come after so long.

As I wait for rains

To come every year.

When it aches to

Listen to your voice.

You remind me of rain

As I cry after listening to

The sound of thunder.

Lastly the final similarity

Between you and the rain is

I don't step outside my house

'cause When it's raining 

its all muddy & dirty outside

But when I'm with you,

It's all lovely on the inside.

- you know who


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