
A calm soul, liked the untouched raindrop
Shines beautifully on a dark leaf
Assimilates thousand moons to perception.
Speaks the consciousness of tranquility.
Silence whispers in the corners of the moonlit night
Owls hoot as they see fireflies carrying their lanterns
Raindrop shines happily at the shining moon
To the reflection of each other’s goodness
Looking at each other with lips closed in silence,
the calm soul speaks within;
Moon hears from far
the words of peace, the words of joy; as crickets cheer
to the music of the rippling streams and fluttering flora.
Suddenly, a dark cloud touches the soul, hiding the moon
Now, a teardrop, the soul, dull, with all its glitters gone
“Pacify to be connected to the pacific” soul murmurs within
Then, shining like the raindrop on the dark leaf,
Soul, assimilates a thousand moons to perception.
Speaks the consciousness of tranquility.