Noorahmed attar

Drama Horror Tragedy


Noorahmed attar

Drama Horror Tragedy

The Scare (#Lost&Found)

The Scare (#Lost&Found)

2 mins

Seeing you battle for your life,

God betraying us in the middle of the night,

It was turning out to be an awful nightmare,

While I worried about our doomed future,

The trauma you underwent, I endured it too,

You were breathing slowly and I was trembling coldly,

You needed the machine to survive,

I wished you to hug me just one more time, 

Watching you sob through that masks,

Felt sinful about touching you and sanitize afterward,

The hospital reception was killing my senses,

The atmosphere was full of craziness,

Often I woke up in the middle of the night,

Only to hold my breath and cry some more time,

I wouldn't wait to get up,

Notice the sunrise and eye your face,

Even though it was through the mask,

It was sufficient for me to overcome the next few hours, 

As you continued to fight, 

I prayed to God saying this is not the time,

I resisted my soul from burning in pain,

I shut my eyes so that there is no rain,

I ate so much so that I forget the stress,

I kept wandering m

iles naked and afraid, 

I kept looking at your body to assess,

Watching the monitor beeping with your heart rate,

Days passed and the sun held its pride,

Reminding me every day of your crusade,

I wasn't the one to believe in miracles,

But I was on my knees wanting for one,

I kept smoking my fear away,

Wondered if this would be a goodbye,

I refused to give up,

So I wished you would fight like you always did,

I put my faith in your hands,

Expected you to fight for me as always,

Finally, the moon appeared through the clouds,

You looked at me flinching in pain and smiled, 

Walking home with you has been a gift,

A moment that would never be replaced,

As you entered the house and grinned,

My world turned into heaven,

I promise you all the happiness,

would never take you again for granted,

I will protect your heart,

I will cherish your courage,

You deserve the life of an angel,

You are the home and I am a homeless,

And without you, life would be meaningless.

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