Shyamasundar Sahoo

Classics Inspirational Others


Shyamasundar Sahoo

Classics Inspirational Others

The Green ink

The Green ink

1 min

In a world of black and white, a splash of green,

A poem comes alive, like a vibrant dream.

Ink of emerald hue flows from the pen,

A story of nature, it shall transcend.

Green, the color of life, so fresh and new,

In every leaf, in every blade it grew.

The trees they dance, their canopies above,

A symbol of growth, of endless love.

Upon the canvas of the earth, it paints,

A world so lush, where beauty never faints.

Meadows adorned with flowers, vivid and bright,

In the green ink's embrace, they take flight.

The envy it may stir, a tale of old,

But the green ink whispers, secrets untold.

Of harmony and balance, it does speak,

In nature's symphony, a song unique.

Through forests deep and valleys wide it flows,

In green ink's caress, nature truly glows.

With every stroke, a new verse it creates,

A love letter to the world, it dedicates.

So let the green ink write its poetry,

A celebration of life's majesty.

For in its verses, we find hope and cheer,

In the green ink's embrace, we hold what's dear.

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