The Failed Stratagem of Patriarchy
The Failed Stratagem of Patriarchy

The egregious liaison between patriarchy and power,
And the resultant rapid decadence of humanity that follows it,
Almost irrevocably set the tone for the game of inequality.
It is such a game in which,
We, women, are unsparingly dragged to be played as a pawn,
A ritual that hitherto could not be fully withdrawn,
Even by holding referendums.
As such we, ‘the second sex’, as these violators choose to define us,
Never get a fair chance to prove our mettle by rightfully playing our part,
And our dreams remain dreams,
Subtly cocooned in the deepest recesses of our hearts.
From time immemorial,
Our silent screams
remain unheard by this insensitive multitude,
Who takes pride to play an abuser’s role,
By trampling even our basic rights,
And thus, aggravating the situation manifold.
But this stratagem of patriarchy to win the game by practicing disparity,
Fall flat in their very face in the long run,
When this unequal world of theirs produces ‘malnourished’ posterity,
Who bemoan the dearth of equality and just principles in their society,
Which they could have proudly inherited as their very identity.
Note: I took inspiration from Simone de Beauvoir’s book ‘The Second Sex.’