The Cold Fire
The Cold Fire

A day of winter
To play with snow,
The darkening nights
The lights would glow.
Everyone united
In their best attire,
While the bird stood alone
In the warmth of the cold fire.
No one to seek for
No one to help,
All it could do was
Live by it self.
Apart from the family
Trembling in cold,
Had no choice
But to stay bold.
It was but midnight
Every man in his cloak,
While here stood the fellow
Until its strength broke.
Laid its wing
Up in the sky,
Fell on the snow
In the breath of cry.
people rejoiced
Ended their year,
While it lost its life
With no one to hear.
How does the life goes?
They all end with a lover,
Yet this little bird
Was left with snow to cover
The sun came up
People out of their house
While this lovely bird
Was a now a treat to a mouse
One has to born
One has to die
We smile once
And then we sigh
Life is a music
With tunes low and high
It makes you laugh
It makes you cry
Live like a guitar
Let the happiness play the chords
You only live once
Bless us, Oh dear Lord!