The Circus...
The Circus...
We trapeze between life and death,
The net below our grave,
When we fall, to rest our limbs,
And then truly fly.
Caged animals are we,
Confined to pre conditioned mentality,
To stay between the lines,
Tread on the marked and gutted path,
Just another brick in the wall,
Our creativity gone for a toss,
By institutions and society.
The clown with painted face,
The false smile of hypocrisy,
While tears flow under the garment,
Shattered, broken and out of sync,
With the winds and waves,
With hills and wilderness.
Puppets on a string,
Pulled by small heads of insidious people,
We bow to pagan god's,
A life of falsehood and
Through the circle of fire,
And treading on the razors edge,
We all must go through,
The line is long and none can go back or forth,
The claps sometimes or being ridiculed,
By the society watching us.
The radiant sky above,
The throbbing earth below,
We all have a part to play,
In the massive circus of life,
The show goes on,
Except the people change.
Between despondency and ecstacy,
Between crests and troughs,
Now the lights dim,
All bid adieu,
The stage will stay, show will go on,
But people will leave,
For the deep slumber,
Flying above the tents,
Finally at peace, with none to please,
In the circus of life.