Shubhangi Kotwal

Abstract Classics Children


Shubhangi Kotwal

Abstract Classics Children

Sunrise Vs Sunset

Sunrise Vs Sunset

2 mins

In both the extreme situations

There are some different benefits

Both the sunrise and sunset are

 Important for living beings 

Sunrise the dawn take away the darkness

It brings with it sunrays and sunlight

That gives energy to all live beings 


Sunset gives cool and calm darkness 

By taking away heat and sunny light

To make the atmosphere for rest for all live beings

At sunrise, the noises and work start

Birds start chirping to find food

Human beings get busy with routine

No peace, no time for each other


At Sunset noises come down 

No hurry all reach home to find peace 

Spend time with family and friends

Birds go into their nest or find a safe

 Place on branches of a tree to rest 

Sunrise gives hope and positivity

Activities and busy schedules

Happiness and a lively atmosphere



et gives relaxation and new dreams

Time for rest and thinking about the future

Noise-free, surrounding

Sunrise makes mornings beautiful

All greenery and fresh flowers

Everything seems brighter and clear


Sunsets make evening beautiful

Plants take rest and fragrance is felt

Street lights too create beautiful chain

Moonlight and stars are seen up in the sky

Sunrise takes away cold and breeze 

Schools offices shops business houses

Factories restaurants hotels opens

Necessary things available in the market


Sunset gives the best times at beaches

Wind starts blowing giving fresh air

All establishments and shops closed slowly 

Marketplaces get empty and clear

Streets too are clear with less traffic

Such a wonderful cycle of Nature

Around which our lives revolve

We count the days and nights 

And struggle to make our lives meaningful!

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