Just Ignore
Just Ignore

The society we live in is so contradictory
Why is it so ?
If you do progress they criticise out of jealousy
If you don't show what you are doing?
They are so eager to find out about it
If you are with yourself and busy
They will find ways to disturb your peace
Will Put the label of unsocial on you
Anyhow some people are there to find faults
Some people have lots of time for others
To see what's happening around
To collect all the information to pass on to others
It's their time pass activity and fun time
They just love to gossip about neighbours and friends
If you behave like highly educated
They still have problems and say he/she
Is haughty
This mostly comes from less educated
People will taunt you will bark on your back for many reasons
If a girl is attaining age for marriage
People have many ways to judge her
Find faults saying, she is not tall,
she is not fair, she don't know cooking
Her behaviour and nature is not that good
So if a girl don't get good match
And if a girl remain unmarried
Because society's such attitude
The same people says many things again
Why she is not getting married ?
Why she is still unmarried ?
If she find her own choice still they will crib
if someone is divorce
e still people will start cooking their own stories
If married couple don't have child after few years people start whispering
if it's daughter and not son still they differentiate
backward and rigid way of thinking
Society will differentiate people as per their financial status
What is your appearance how you dress up
Do you have your own house and car ?
If you have a car then which one ?
Do you have all the luxury in house ?
Where is humanity in all this ?
Society is very contradictory and cruel sometimes
Only few people think right way
Only few people are sensible and kind
Respect all as human beings their feelings
When there is natural calamity ?
Everyone and everything falls right in it's place
Money status everything vanishes in the blowing air
False pride of people gets broken
It's God's act that teaches society the goodness humanity
So behave as though you are in a peril
Just ignore what people says
Yes there are norms and basics
Even after following that still people crib
Then wrong is with them not with you
It's our life and we own it
Family our parents matter most for us
Not such so called society that is direction less in their thinking
Just ignore ! Just ignore !