Last Remorse

Last Remorse

2 mins

Last breath, he thought

Came a wish near his bed.

He looked at the funeral pyre,  

And caress his face.

That took him back 

In a time when he was 

Young and delicate.

The moment at which, 

He decided to quit his dream.

To keep aside struggle, 

To embrace stillness, 

And safety bim!

Now he told to his wish, 


r: rgb(0, 0, 0);">" Though Spent life safely

  I haven't traveled roughly

  On the dream road.

  If I had not chosen that mode, 

  Today instead of 

  Dying in regret and remorse

  I would have died with the 

  Feeling of contentment,

  Fulfillment; with 

  The last consolation that 

  Though I failed, in

  Terms of attempt, trying

  Never failed."

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