Unasked for...
Unasked for...

I have been blessed with so much unasked-for
I do believe I will also get the rest required with that cause
Working behind my every move is my every call...
Always there to protect me
My only refuge
I have heard about the human will
Even the Gods have to submit their respective skills
And embark on this journey and work through that one calling...
The goal is to keep your promise
You had promised to remain indebted to the heart of a devotee
Make that work through me
This is my journey from being obligated to you
Towards making y
ou indebted
I know I'll have to encounter many arduous things
In this journey from being nobody to being everybody
And eating, drinking, and sleeping through bodies
My father belittled himself
In front of me
So I can enjoy a feel-good factor about myself
God belittles himself
In front of me, one of his devotees
To make them feel good about their own selves
I am walking behind them
To take the hallowed dust of their feet is of great fortune
That will purify me, and make me holy
These are God's words for his devotees...