Starts with me...
Starts with me...

The summers are pretty hot
Unlike the yester years we got
We crib yet yearn for the cool breeze
It's time to plant more trees.
Gone are the days we played
In rains of July summer
Now water crisis makes us quiver
It's time to save the river.
The air in which we dwell
Is getting toxic we know it well
Yet driving solo is our pride
It's time to share the ride.
We know the hazards of elastic
Yet we pack our food in it
The ocean deterioration is drastic
It’s time to say no to plastic.
There is much talk of parity
Yet daughters ain't allowed to dream
The sons at nights they roam
Charity begins at home.
We talk much of love
Yet we build our walls
Pointing fingers at thee
It's time to start with me.