Someone Like You
Someone Like You

I used to envisage someone like you
To hold me tight and perceive me through,
To admire my eyes and adore my smile,
And when I am terrified to stay with me a while,
But now I've got you I don't know what to do,
It's wondrous this affection I have for you
When I look at you my heart melts to the floor,
Every day I love you more and more,
When life compels me down you're always there
A good heart like yours is very rare
You're my world you are my universe you are my star,
I would never alter a thing that you are,
All my apprehensions and predicaments disappear,
When you hold me in your arm's I have no fear.
The only hesitation I have that's a hue,
Is relishing my presence without someone like you.