Debasish Majumder

Abstract Inspirational Others


Debasish Majumder

Abstract Inspirational Others

Signature's Amazing Investiture!

Signature's Amazing Investiture!

2 mins

I learnt to sign

Since my nascent age to become conversant with my fraternity to align

The knowledge and wisdom i learn

In my formal education with élan

I am grateful to my preceptor

Who actually enable me to configure my physical state with huge uproar?

I only capable to receive the reflections nature draw honestly in my cerebral

The external world exists to my ambiance to make an impact which too is ephemeral!


I do learn a lot to disseminate signals to translate what I aspire

Which only express my requirements and desire?

In an available milieu I am surviving

Out of my language I do exist with my mundane longing

When I will be no longer exist on the surface of my dear Earth

I wonder who will care my existence and when I took birth!


I am obsessed with my own aura in galore

I too obsessed to observe how nature draws its signature in its floor

I do have an obsession too

How my sign can transform to signature with innuendo

Yet my convictions drive me

Perhaps after my perpetual departure I do exist in nature’s floor with delecta

ble glee

Thus, my past does overbear me

Like a ghost to celebrate my mundane existence with an obscure spree

I wish I may exist centuries long

I wonder how I could envisage my entity in forlorn.

Human cerebral is truly an enigma

This alone can analyze content as well form out of its unique phenomena

This alone can capture all reflections nature offers with an amazing panorama

Human civilization thus exists and advances with an intriguing foray

We human do believe we only can explore the nature’s floor to yield our convenient hay!


We human can exist and evolve for an infinite time with our exquisite melody

Our signatures on nature’s floor carry our reminiscence to stimulate our progeny

We human sing our supremacy with exquisite rhyme

Our melody makes sensible sense to our audible organ which is only prime!


Sounds do have an indelible impact in our audible organ

It too produces color to attract our audible organs at random

Light do appear faster than sound

But sounds out of its frequencies make huge impact to engulf human organ to astound!

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