Anne Benita

Drama Others


Anne Benita

Drama Others

Selfie With The Better Half

Selfie With The Better Half

1 min

My soul diary,

Coo-coo, coo-coo, calling bell rang,

Got down from cot and opened the door;

Milk, vegetables were at the doorstep

Because of the lockdown.

Things went as usual, but, the new

Thing was, prepared sweets for the loved ones;

Shared happiness with the family

By sharing the sweet with the family.

Dear diary,

Another thing was, egg puffs were done

Without anyone's support;

Wow, all delighted eating the snack

Gave good comments on it.


umped with joy, went to the terrace

With the cuties and husband,

Sun was about to set, the rays spread 

Through the clouds, treat to the eyes.

Ahh, what had happened, the radiant 

Beams flourecensed everywhere;

Took pics, took joy in sunset,

Pleased the eyes and the heart.

Selfie with the better half after a time period,

Brightened the soul, with those loveable things

In heart, going to bed with memories

Which enriched the soul.

Good night diary.... 

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