Prateeti Sengupta

Abstract Fantasy


Prateeti Sengupta

Abstract Fantasy

Secret Cookies

Secret Cookies

1 min

No other explanation but that

The universe drops a secret cookie

in my head, here and there, on the sly,

Every now and then. Often, I wonder,

What in the name of hell?

How does it happen? Like a déjà vu in the dark,

like a fire alarm gone berserk,

shattering my brains asunder?

Matters little what you call it; whether it's the

ID running away with the spoon,

or giving the Ego the blow job of its life:

But whenever I see, or hear, or taste<


The most random fucking thought that pops up

in my head, just leaping out into the real world,

Like a ghost from its grave on Halloween,

Dancing around in front of me,

I know for sure. It's the universe,

With its bizarre little cookie,

Tracking the footprints of my mind,

thinking I am a rookie!

Fucking around with my head,

sniggering and twisting behind my back

into an eternal fucking loop,

Peeking in on itself through my eyes.

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