Raju Doesn't Lie
Raju Doesn't Lie

Raju does not lie, that is his redeeming quality
But sometimes he can touch a nerve with his brutal honesty
He simply says what he is thinking even it's not not that nice
This way of communicating is often looked at as child-like
Raju does not lie, that is one thing you can depend on
It's what makes the trust his wife places on him and their bond so strong
He tells her the truth even when it bears consequences for him
And she makes sure to be understanding and not get angry on a whim
Raju does not lie, so he is
often deemed unprofessional
His style of talking can be course, unrefined and mistaken for conformational
He is honest when he messes up, even to his superiors and bosses
And when that comes back to bite him in the behind, he simply cuts his losses
Yes, Raju doesn't lie and that makes him a better man than most
He would never dare to fib to make himself look better or to boast
His children learned from him that honesty really can be the best policy
And that matters to him much more than being able to lie to have it easy