I am standing
In front of her-
Trying to woo her.
Offering her a rose.
Wow !
She's offering me same !
Saying hello to her.
She also says same.
Showing her thumbs up sign.
She is repeating same.
My confidence gets new height.
Daring to make kissing action.
She is imitating my action.
Now trying the last one:
'Love U' proposal !
Oh no !
Getting cold feet.
But I am pre-planned :
Showing her 'I love u' banner' !
Alas !
This time she is
Letting me down !
Replying me in mirror texts !
Yes, you are true.
I am standing
In front of a mirror;
Collecting courage
To propose her by
Imagining her in my image !
Best luck for next time buddy !