Dhanika Malik

Inspirational Children


Dhanika Malik

Inspirational Children



1 min

In the kingdom of power and grace,

There lives a force, a sacred space,

Where marvels bloom and hearts soar,

A tapestry of beauty to adore.

Behold the spirit, the divine art,

For women hold a flame within their hearts.

With elegance, they stride, poised and true,

Unveiling dreams, torching skies of blue.

In their eyes, the wisdom of ancient lore,

A reservoir of stories, untold and more.

They carry the weight of innumerable tales,

Empathy flowing, where compassion prevails.

A mother's love, a gentle embrace,

Encouraging souls, a haven of solace.

Through the darkest nights, their light persists,

Guiding lives with tenderness, their love insists.

Warrior souls, fierce and bold,

Defying limits, breaking molds.

With courage, they rise, against the tide,

Unyielding strength, their battle cry.

They paint with colors, fierce and bright,

Creating masterpieces, a breathtaking sight.

From tender whispers to resounding roars,

Their voices echo through timeless shores.

Equal partners, side by side,

Champions of justice, their spirits stride.

In every field, they pave the way,

Shattering barriers, igniting a new day.

Celebrate the women, daughters, and wives,

Their existence enriches all our lives.

For in their presence, we find the truth,

That love and power can exist in one, uncaged booth.

So let us honor the women, their soulful grace,

With reverence and gratitude, we embrace.

For they embody power and compassion's art,

Forever woven, an indomitable part.

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