Kanakagiri Shakuntala

Inspirational Others


Kanakagiri Shakuntala

Inspirational Others



1 min

A school is a second home to children

Apart from teaching, living skills also are a consideration

To mould them not just as students,

But also as good and law-abiding citizens 

Primary, secondary and senior sections 

Are levels to cross to obtain higher education 

Kids at the beginning levels are innocent blossoms 

Blooming gradually spreading along joy and radiance 

The middle-level boys, just becoming aware of themselves 

Getting naughty and nutty with anything and everything else 

Now into their adolescence with varying levels of consciousness 

Becoming more and more aware of their own needs and success 

Preferring back benches, cutting jokes and pulling legs 

Sometimes they are sane a

nd other times restless 

Spinning stories or heroic tales about themselves 

Trying to impress girls during the intervals

Defying and denying is their seal of adulthood 

Believing that they are now into their stage of manhood 

Friends matter the most in every whim and fancy 

Peer pressure is what they love to share and copy 

Good friends can draw out the best in them, wholesome 

And bad influences can affect their future handsome 

They finally step out into the world so vast and vibrant 

Carving out a niche for themselves in the cosmos for sustenance

When they look back, they think of the school, benches, and friends, nostalgic 

The good times, rough times and 

Other times so beautiful and ecstatic.

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