Sujata Dash



Sujata Dash


Charity Begins At Home

Charity Begins At Home

2 mins

On my way to school, one day...

I found an old woman sitting under my favorite tree

the tree had strong boughs and long branches

smiled often, gave shelter and shade both for free

I stop by many a time when I gasp for breath

for my school was distant and I was tender in age

Her shrunken eyes and cold face spoke of her plight

she was starving for days I could make out from the blight

she looked emaciated...

dull and colorless

her gaze spelled and not her feeble and choked voice

I offered her water, bequeathed my lunch pack

more than me... food and water she needed to have

her profuse thanks through waving of hands

toothless smile for my care and generous stand

well compensated for reprimand received from teacher

My spirits soared high that day 

and happiness traveled to core

I met her the next day at same place

for, she had no house nor money

had completely fallen off from grace

I was aghast as she narrat

ed ..

"Is it not injustice that the poor are getting poorer

beg and for a loaf, goes from door to door

 languishes in drudgery and low self esteem

the rich amass wealth squander as per whim

 when this miserable trend will end? young ones like you can be the change and bring it too only if you want to

else the chasm will widen and disparity would woo

chaos will prevail and this beautiful world would crumble to pieces we will be left to wail and rue"

Her words rang in my ear till I reached my home

 they left a deep mark on my psyche and stirred bosom

 I vowed to take the plunge for effecting change

told my mom "from today ...

my pocket money I would donate for destitute and poor

 let me do my bit first, then I will appeal to my entire class

" "Yes my daughter, let charity begin from our modest home

 a bit of gesture, a few words of kindness

will per se change the pattern

and set the equilibrium."

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