My Wife Controls Me
My Wife Controls Me

Oh! What a Wife
She is fast in managing me
Looks to be dare devil
I never saw any other lady like my wife
You’re dashing lady
The gift you got is your briskness
The knowledge you got is your intelligence
The grasping power you got is God’s blessing
My managing things is different
Your managing things is a different style
You are more verbal and talkative
You are capable of handling things well
You made me silent, when I am aggressive
You made me cool, when I am hot
You made me active, when I am dull
You are somewhat
special, compared to others
God made you as a special lady
You have gained all the arts
You look to be self-reliant all the way
Your handling me is also an art of life
River water flow fast
Your talks also flow fast
Gales hit the shore and go back
Actions hit people and go back silent
Your presence worries people
Your decisions made people a check
One can’t escape from your jaws
Whole vicinity feels like an earth quake hit
Clouds hover the sky
You hover on me
You looks to be a dare devil wife
Oh! God, save me from dare devil