Devna Padmakumar



Devna Padmakumar


My Love

My Love

1 min

I’ve seen you for years,

From far, never near.

Fear kept me away

From you, my love.

I’ve read lots, felt lots,

Of heroes, lovers, and lives,

But I’ve never encountered the likes

Of you, my love.

I’d hidden parts of myself.

Never safe, happy, and comfortable at once.

But, by your side?

My love, I’ve never felt better.

I hardly thought

I was brave or strong.

Although, on seeing you,

I wish I was half as brave as you, my love.

You make me want

To be my own self

More than anyone in this world.

I ardently admire and love you, my beloved.

You’re like the bright sun,

Me? I’m just the vast blue sea.

But, as long as the horizon exists,

I will be yours, my love.

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