Letter to my younger self
Letter to my younger self

Dear self in 2009:
I wish I could tell you
To slow down
And live-
As long as life has
Problems smaller than
the smallest problem
that exists.
I wish I could tell you
To quit the rat-race
and hone instead-
the skill to be vulnerable
And learn from
unabashed mistakes.
I wish I could tell you
To not fear
The uncertain-
For it is that
which inspires you
To put forth your
Best version.
I wish I could tell you
To not doubt
Your raw creativeness-
Remember, it is
e road less taken
That makes
All the difference.
I wish I could tell you
To hang on
And not lose faith-
Adversities may befall
But you persevere
For even Rome wasn’t
built in a day.
I wish I could tell you
To not be blinded
By worldly shine-
Because you are
The sun of your life
And none can stop
That dazzle
Of your light.
I wish I could also remind you
To not be unkind
To yourself-
You may fail, and
You may falter
But life can go on
As good as new,