Sonia Madaan

Abstract Romance


Sonia Madaan

Abstract Romance

Missing Love

Missing Love

1 min

Spellbound with your charming smile

Deep, intoxicating eyes

Which held so much love, care and emotions,

Fingers entwined.

Resting on shoulders

I could feel the heart beats 

Whispering my name.

Not a single word I uttered, but

You could read my mind,

You knew what bothered me

You knew how to make me smile.

Only blissful love, serenity,

The silence around you and me

You told me nothing

Yet I heard everything!

The gentle caress that soothed my soul

The warmth of your touch with endless love

Twinkling eyes gazing at me

And the passion of holding me tight in your arms

Are missing

Between us, faith and understanding 

No more resides

I miss the emotions.

Have I lost my love

Or I am lost somewhere?

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