2 mins

Love is an uncut diamond,

Waiting, to reveal itself.

Love is like a flower,

It needs loving care to grow.

Love is the crop for humanity’s harvest,

But you’ll reap only what you sow.

Love is like friendship;

To rise; above, and grow.

Love is free: the highest petal,

Of virtue’s, flowering tree; aglow.

But we, who in hate and bloodshed stand,

Can only reach loves precious petal,

When we understand,

Love is Gods glorious gift to mankind,

But, love, like a curtain, often,

Hides hate behind.

Delve, we must, deep into our hearts.

True love, must we find,

And nurture it bit by bit.

For true love, one cannot get,

By mere knowledge, money, power or wit!

We know all too well,

In the ocean of our heart,


gn-justify">Love is the pearl,

Hidden, by hates; rising swell!

But if we listen carefully,

We’ll hear loves golden tinkling bell,

Commanding us to do what’s right,

And with hate, telling us, to fight,

With, all our might!

So that one finds the love within us,

That will save us from our terrible plight.

Love is the,

Key to life,

Only it can end,

Hatred and strife,

Granting mankind a,

New lease of life!

Yet love is a paradox.

The more we give,

The more we get.

The more we get,

The less we want,

The less we want,

The more we give.

Give love, get love!

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