The Curiosity Of The......
The Curiosity Of The......
O! Spirit, whom we now forget,
O! Enchantress, whom I still adore,
With thee, was man, indeed well met!
Throughout the ages, and in forgotten lore!
O! Spirit, you brought us this golden time,
Cease not your magic spell!
In prayer to thee, do I compose, this rhyme,
In the hope that all may still be well!
For, in the temples of learning, lately,
And even in society’s general plan,
Thy absence, I bemoan; daily,
As I look, into the darkened hearts, of my fellow men!
Why do we stand from beast’s far remorse?
And when is man truly a man?
Thy presence within us, God approved,
Is what guides us by this holy plan!
Thou art truly, the cause of, best human Endeavour,
And thou art thyself, true endeavor’s reward!
Thou brought us from squalor to splendor,
Blessing even the gravest sinner with thy magnanimous award!
When a man in darkness was, Thou brought him light;
When he lay, in deaths merciless jaws,
From disease, you brought recovery,
And made him all right!
Thy kindness, the world’s ailment subdues,
By thy grace, do we brighten the night?
Thou have clad our world in many hues,
Thou help’s us fight for what is right.
O! Spirit, Prometheus was impelled by thee,
Vultures of ignorance
do men like him still breed.
O! Spirit, I pray set man's mind free,
And save mankind from his creed!
For thy sake have so many sets out,
On voyages that have no end.
Due to thee have miracles come about,
By thy grace do we, life’s mystery transcend!
O! Spirit thou reached our race,
When among the earth’s rocks we dwelt,
And raised us to our present state,
From far below where we knelt!
O! Flame in a forest of decadence,
O! Diamond among the dark walls!
At the time of new emergence,
Thou are the only bell that tolls!
O! Solitary candle on a moonless night,
O! Single evening star!
Thou, who before all else fades,
Thou, who calls out from afar,
O! Thou who loves to shake the present,
Thou who forsakes the secure past!
O! Thou who gives up what is pleasant,
To take the path that reaches fast!
From the dawn of time, till now, we know,
Of men who have gladly died for thee.
For they could not help, but show,
How men must live a life of love; full of joy and glee!
Even today, such men, shall by thy merit,
Find solace from every sorrow,
Thou immortal spirit,
Who art men need to know,
Hear this, my prayers, and with it,
A request; ensure mankind’s bright tomorrow!