
You dropped me from heaven and placed me here,
Like a piece of feather in the abandoned air.
I landed slowly in the arms of love,
From which I never wished to look above.
No comment that is commentable enough that could be commented on her beautiful face.
I think for a while and realize that it is above all caste, creed, and race.
She looks at my eyes and makes funny faces, hoping my tears to dry,
I turn to her and smile a lot, promising her,
to never cry.
She holds my hand and makes me stand and pushes to make me walk,
I count a few steps and trip a bit and finally fall against the rock.
She picks me up and holds me tight with eyes completely filled,
I sniff a bit, but I know, without ointments, my wounds would get healed.
I am now growing faster day by day,
Pacing with the sun's ray.
The person who kept me always warm,
Is eagerly waiting to hear me call her mom.