Kashmira Jaiswal

Drama Others


Kashmira Jaiswal

Drama Others



2 mins

I am the woman of the 21st century!

Though I love to live in the present,

My kind often-times carries a cross,

from the past societal ideologies!

So… we’ve arrived… have we?

Celebrating womanhood… must we?

‘Big Deal’… said my ingenious brother

‘My poor little angel’… patronized my father

‘Hallelujah’... said the autonomous husband

NOW... my head went spinning… and the keyboard went clicking…

Have you noticed though...

That women, operate by the power vested in them, by THEMSELVES!

My mother never waited for a degree to be conferred upon her

For all the sacrifices she silently made for our furtherance.

She was not compelled to buckle up, even while she shed that silent tear

When, my troubles were beyond my forbearance.

She rose to every occasion like a phoenix

Even though the society-norms

Incessantly torched her courage.

But she held my hand with that soft yet firm grip,

Oh… sometimes I can still feel it on my hand!

And that one sure-fire look, that said…

Go Ahead.. I am with You!

That look my frien

ds …Has brought me here,

Facing the same battles of some needless customs thrust upon me……

Revamping the antique, defunct, redundant traditions……

Fighting the same ogres who outrage my dignity …

I am here.. and I have arrived!

In the same breath, however,

I am here because of the ‘ingenious’ brother…

Who has paved the way for me

Each time I encountered a rough patch

I am here because of my supportive father,

Who deprived himself relentlessly to provide me with luxuries…

Of Course… The ‘autonomous’ husband, was allowed this autonomy

By none other than yours truly… may be just to humour him a bit!

So humour me….. All and sundry, when I say

That the woman is and will always remain the undisputed BOSS of the House!

My learning in a nutshell:

The synergy of societal roles is throbbing with equanimity!

Thanks to all the ‘Gentlemen’ in our lives,

Who fabricates the strongest support System!

For, the tallest of monuments are built on the sturdiest of foundations,

And have the strongest of pillars that stand by the roughest of weather!

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